



I'm using Ninject to do some dependancy injection. (Mainly for the DAL), my project consists of 3 aspects and are as follows,

  1. Project.Lib (Everything database, services and anythign else that is logic)
  2. Project.Admin (Administration)
  3. Project.Web (Front end what the user see's)

Now, each of my controllers within my projects inherit from a BaseController

 public abstract class BaseController : Controller
        protected BaseController(ISession session)
            _Session = session;

        public ISession _Session { get; private set; }

And then and example controller might be like so,

 public class ImageController : BaseController
        private MediaService _mediaService;

        public ImageController(ISession session) : base(session)
            _mediaService = new MediaService(session);

        public ActionResult List()
            var RetVal = _mediaService.GetAllImages();
            return View(RetVal);

As you can see the "Session" is passed from the controller to the service layer. I'm curious as to if this is good practie? ANy negitives to what we are doing here?

+1  A: 

I'd avoid referencing ISession through your controller. A better solution would be to use Ninject to inject your services into your controllers. In this instance you'll need to create an abstraction for your MediaService class e.g.:

public interface IMediaService 
    SomeCollection GetAllImages();
    // ...

You'd then use Ninject to supply an implementation of the above interface to your controller:

public class ImageController : BaseController
    private IMediaService _mediaService;

    public ImageController(IMediaService mediaService)
        _mediaService = mediaService

    public ActionResult List()
        var RetVal = _mediaService.GetAllImages();
        return View(RetVal);


But there are almost 12 service classes? We couldnt inject them all into every controller?
Technically there's no reason why you couldn't, and it would remove the dependencies between your controllers and services making things easier to unit test. Having said that, if you have a controller with that many dependencies it might be a sign that your application design isn't scaling well or you need to move some responsibility into another controller.
each controller generally only uses 1 (in some cases 2) services. Maybe I mis-interpreted what you actually meant?