I have a html map tag in use for part of a clients site. On their production server it works fine.
However on MAMP, for some reason the linked areas indicate a clickable link, but when actually used, there is no attempt made to load the page.
<map name="counties">
<area shape="poly" coords="119,368,119,374,116,383,125,396,122,402,124,411,137,414,157,406,164,410,171,413,173,419,180,424,194,425,195,413,209,408,215,396,209,382,194,382,174,382,170,362,174,356,166,351,152,352,142,354,133,353,124,361" href="../?step=1&c=Nottingham" alt="ng" />
<img src="template/images/map.jpg" alt="Clickable map of delivery areas" usemap="#counties" />
Anyone encountered this problem?