



For anybody who has seen / used Magento, can you please tell me where can I find the following 3 function's definitions of the Catalog Product's save action's Event Observer class:-

  1. setBundleOptionsData()
  2. setBundleSelectionsData()
  3. setCanSaveBundleSelections()

Please pardon me, for asking such a silly question, but I am really helpless. Any help is greatly appreciated.

The worst part is that these above 3 methods are being used for the product object in a nice way, & they are working too. But where are their definitions?

Okay, I can understand that these are used by the "Varien_Object", and these are simple setter functions using the concept of Magic Methods. But can somebody please tell what is the coding flow, when the program counter arrives at such a function, in this case in the Event Observer class?

+4  A: 

If you have run a search on all the files and can't find the definition then these are most likely using PHP's magic methods. Is this class inheriting (directly or indirectly) from Varien_Object? If so, then these are simple setter functions storing data in an array within the object.

To get these values back all you need to do is change the 'set' to 'get':

echo $this->getBundleOptionsData(); //Returns 'whatever'

If you're interested in how this works, look inside class Varien_Object. I've also described the mechanism here.

Manos Dilaverakis
Thanks for such an info. But I have some more queries. This class is inherited indirectly from Varien_Object.
Knowledge Craving
I really must admit your answer as wow. But if possible, please tell whether the point, which you mentioned, is really taking place or not.
Knowledge Craving
Manos is correct.
Joseph Mastey
You'll also want to give var_dump($this->getData()) a try, or $this->getData('bundle_options_data')
Alan Storm