



Hi, I know UDP header incorrect lenght is usually part of security testing as this one could crash the target machine. However, how to do that on your own?

+1  A: 

Testing the header length of a packet is important part of security testing... if you are writing a TCP/IP stack. But no one is going to test this on a penetration test because this will have little or no affect on a real world system.

Building strange packets is useful for testing firewalls, and hping is very useful for that (as well as nmap :). Here is a good tutorial on using hping. This following command is sending the largest UDP packet possible, if you try an encode a larger size you'll get a one's complement integer overflow due to bit boundaries (which isn't very useful).

hping -2 -p 7 -d 65535 -E /root/signature.sig

If you want to verify that a malformed packet is built correctly you should grab Wireshark.

So, you cannot crash any computer by sending a packet with invalid lenght?? Its mentioned almost in every penetration testing guide
@Tomas As a penetration tester I am 100% sure that no production tcp/ip stack is going to succumb to such a simple attack, but your welcome to try it. These low layer protocols have been heavy tested, your better off looking for memory corruption flaws in osi layer 7 (application), layer 4 is very simple in comparison and there for less likely for something to go wrong.
@Tomas on a side note, you are right about testing the length parameter. often times this is used as an offset in a `memcpy()` or similar function.
The Rook: thank you! I have never meet any penetration tester, do you mind if discuss a few questions with you? Over email or whatever, I would really appreciate it. Just entering to this field. Thanks!
@Tomas sure what is your email?
The Rook: - thank you!