You can do this with Restlet using annotations in your code and either let the content-negotiation operate depending on the user-agent's Accept
header or specify the extension in the URI (using Restlet's TunnelService and MetadataService). Here is an example (based on Restlet 2):
public class TestApplication extends Application {
public static class TestResource extends ServerResource {
public Representation toText() {
return new StringRepresentation("Hello!",
public Representation toXml() {
return new StringRepresentation("<test>Hello</test>",
public synchronized Restlet createInboundRoot() {
Router router = new Router();
return router;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Component component = new Component();
component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);
component.getDefaultHost().attachDefault(new TestApplication());
Content-negotiation works via the Accept header:
It also works via the extension (thanks to getTunnelService().setExtensionsTunnel(true)
There's a default list of extension to media-type mapping, but this can be configured via the MetadataService.