



Using JForm Designer I am trying to change the class of a JPanel in the properties window from JPanel to various custom classes, all of which subclass JPanel.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it fails with the message:

panel1: Can not morph non-toplevel component to non-visual bean.

What is a non-visual bean? Why are some of my subclasses recognized as visual vs. non-visual beans?

+1  A: 

On this IBM site it says:

Non-visual beans You can use the non-visual beans to build Java™ and

Web client applications that require a customized user interface. The non-visual beans support the standard bean programming model by providing default constructors, properties, events and a serializable interface. You can use the non-visual beans in builder tools that support introspection.

Visual beans The visual beans are customizable, Swing-based, graphical

user interface components. Use the visual beans to build Java applications for Windows®. You can place them within windows and dialogs of Java-based applications. Because the visual beans are built using the non-visual beans (as a data model), you must use them in conjunction with the non-visual beans when building an application.

I'm looking for a more formal definition. My class is a customizable, swing-based, graphical UI component. This sounds like they're saying a visual bean is any JavaBean which derives from a visual Swing component? But I'm doing this! There must be something more to it.
Tom Tresansky

The JForm Designer documentation has been updated.

It now says explicitly that Visual Beans must inherit from java.awt.Component.

I guess that's the all of it.

Tom Tresansky