



I've heard that using StringBuilder is faster than using string concatenation, but I'm tired of wrestling with StringBuilder objects all of the time. I was recently exposed to the SLF4J logging library and I love the "just do the right thing" simplicity of its formatting when compared with String.format. Is there a library out there that would allow me to write something like:

int myInteger = 42;
MyObject myObject = new MyObject();  // Overrides toString()
String result = CoolFormatingLibrary.format("Simple way to format {} and {}",
    myInteger, myObject);

Also, is there any reason (including performance but excluding fine-grained control of date and significant digit formatting) why I might want to use String.format over such a library if it does exist?


You can already do this, using the built-in Java String class.

+2  A: 

For concatenating strings one time, the old reliable "str" + param + "other str" is perfectly fine (it's actually converted by the compiler into a StringBuilder).

StringBuilders are mainly useful if you have to keep adding things to the string, but you can't get them all into one statement. For example, take a for loop:

String str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
    str += i + " "; // ignoring the last-iteration problem

This will run much slower than the equivalent StringBuilder version:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // for extra speed, define the size
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
    sb.append(i).append(" ");
String str = sb.toString();

But these two are functionally equivalent:

String str = var1 + " " + var2;
String str2 = new StringBuilder().append(var1).append(" ").append(var2).toString();

Having said all that, my actual answer is:

Check out java.text.MessageFormat. Sample code from the Javadocs:

int fileCount = 1273;
String diskName = "MyDisk";
Object[] testArgs = {new Long(fileCount), diskName};

MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat("The disk \"{1}\" contains {0} file(s).");



The disk "MyDisk" contains 1,273 file(s).

There is also a static format method which does not require creating a MessageFormat object.

All such libraries will boil down to string concatenation at their most basic level, so there won't be much performance difference from one to another.

Michael Myers
This is also my conclusion after the inspection of OpenJDK's implementation of java.util.Formatter.
@mmyers: Just in this moment I discovered the MessageForamt class and remembered this thread...Good to see you already knew it.One hint: actually it is java.text.MessageFormat
@Andreas: I have no idea how that "util" got in there. I blame the java.gremlins package. :P
Michael Myers
@mmyers: I am not sure whether it would be correct to always blame java.gremlins. No one ever blames java.starwars.sith.lords nor even java.jucknorris... ;-)