



I've been toying with the JanRain OpenID PHP Library, mostly following along with a tutorial I found on ZendZone.

How does one distinguish between users - especially Google users, who all end up using the same OpenID URL, ?

Basically, I'm at the point where I can detect that they have an OpenID account... that they've successfully authenticated... but my app still doesn't know who they are; only that they authenticated.

To distinguish users, the tutorial uses a "Simple Registration request" to request the user's email of the OpenID provider - and then use email address to see if this is a returning user.

It wasn't working for me, and apparently won't work with some providers so I was excited when I stumbled upon a function getDisplayIdentifier.

require_once "Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php";
require_once "Auth/OpenID/FileStore.php";
// create file storage area for OpenID data
$store = new Auth_OpenID_FileStore('/wtv');
$consumer = new Auth_OpenID_Consumer($store);
$oid_response = $consumer->complete("");
if ($oid_response->status == Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS) {
    $hopefullyUniqueUserID = $oid_response->getDisplayIdentifier(); // I assumed this would be a relatively permanent way to identify the user...
                                           // I was wrong.

Unfortunately, after a couple of hours the value returned by getDisplayIdentifier changes.


Apparently I was taking crazy pills; getDisplayIdentifier has not been changing since I posted this question. I have nonetheless, instead been using identity_url as per the answer below.


I was not taking crazy pills! See my answer below...

+1  A: 

Why not simply use the OpenID URL to identify users? Consider it unique like an email address.

I thought that's how it worked too, but he says he's seeing all Google users from the same OpenID URL.
As did I, but Google accounts always have `` as their URL.
ah, missed that part.
stackoverflow somehow gets a `?id=....` at the end of the url. Not sure how though. Maybe the full url with the `?id=..` is given to you by google?? Does `$oid_response` have have a url attribute?
Oops, hadn't seen your last comment before I posted. Yes, I think it's the OpenID 'claimed_id' that you want, which appears to include the ?id=, which I think is `$oid_response->identity_url`.
+3  A: 

Skimming the code, I think it's $oid_response->identity_url that you want. For me (albeit in DotNetOpenAuth not php-openid) that comes back as

from Google, where the ID part is reproducible and hopefully unique to me. However I haven't left it a few hours to see if this changes, so apologies if this is what you already had from getDisplayIdentifier - but skimming the source it looks like it'd just use the first part, but then I'm no PHP expert.

That's identical to what `$oid_response->getDisplayIdentifier()` gave me... and I did leave it a few hours and it changed :'( Nonetheless, I'll try it.
Ah, OK - sorry.
+1 - checked after a few hours; doesn't seem to be changing...
I'm awarding this answer the bounty, but waiting to accept it; I don't know why `getDisplayIdentifier()` (and `identity_url`) changed on me before as it seems to not be happening anymore.
Cheers. Sorry, I don't have a good answer for that. For OpenID 2 I'm confident these are the correct values to use ( ) and that it's called something similar in 1 ( ). Skimming the JanRain code I had thought there was a separate 'display url' return as well, which is where I'd thought the confusion was coming from, but that's not actually in the spec after all.
Sorry Rup, but I figured out the problem, so I've unaccepted this one and accepted my own answer.
No problem - I didn't know that about Google OpenIDs, happy to learn something!
+1  A: 

The problem was that Google's OpenIDs are Unique Per-Domain; I had been absent mindedly alternating between htp:// and, which caused the OpenID identity url to change!
