I'm using Ben Nadel's iFrame Upload function for an editing tool on a site I'm working on. I'm learning jQuery. The function works beautifully. It's part of a reuseable modal window and everything works. But, I want to dynamically tell the function where the call came from so it loads the proper form into the modal window. How would I pass that into the function. Right now it's hard coded to receive for #uploadform. Essentially, I want to re-use the function and drop in the varialbles like the action, preview and form ID etc...
var jForm = $( "#uploadform" );
function( objEvent ){
var jThis = $( this );
var strName = ("uploader" + (new Date()).getTime());
var jFrame = $( "<iframe name=\"" + strName + "\" src=\"about:blank\" />" );
jFrame.css( "display", "none" );
function( objEvent ){
var objUploadBody = window.frames[ strName ].document.getElementsByTagName( "body" )[ 0 ];
var jBody = $( objUploadBody );
var objData = eval( "(" + jBody.html() + ")" )
var thumb = ('thumbnails/' + eval(jBody.html()));
$("#header").css("background", "url(" + thumb + ") no-repeat center");
$("#preview").attr("src", thumb);
$( "body:first" ).append( jFrame );
.attr( "action", "upload_act_single.cfm" )
.attr( "method", "post" )
.attr( "enctype", "multipart/form-data" )
.attr( "encoding", "multipart/form-data" )
.attr( "target", strName );