When recombining, you need to mask the byte1 to stop it being sign extended.
short oldshort = 700;
byte byte1= (byte) (oldshort);
byte byte2= (byte) ((oldshort >> 8) & 0xff);
short newshort = (short) ((byte2 << 8) + (byte1&0xFF);
All operations on bytes and shorts in java are actually done as integers. So when you write
, what is really happening is that the byte is first cast to an integer (sign-extended). It will still have the same value, but now has more bits. We can then mask off the bottom 8 bits to get the original 8-bits from the short - without the sign.
E.g. short =511 = 0x01FE
// lots of 0x000's because the operations are done on 32-bit int's
byte1 = (0x000001FE & 0x000000FF) = (0x01FE & 0xFF) = 0xFE = (byte)-2
byte2 = 0x1
newShort = (byte2 << 8) + (byte1 & 0xFF)
= (0x1 << 8) + (0xFE & 0xFF)
// since the ops are performed as int's
= (0x00000001 << 8) + (0xFFFFFFFE & 0x000000FF)
// 0xFFFFFFFE = -2
= (0x00000100) + (0x000000FE)
= 0x000001FE
= 511
2010-06-25 01:20:43