+1  A: 

When recombining, you need to mask the byte1 to stop it being sign extended.


    short oldshort = 700;

    byte byte1= (byte) (oldshort);
    byte byte2= (byte) ((oldshort >> 8) & 0xff);

    short newshort = (short) ((byte2 << 8) + (byte1&0xFF);


EDIT: All operations on bytes and shorts in java are actually done as integers. So when you write +byte1, what is really happening is that the byte is first cast to an integer (sign-extended). It will still have the same value, but now has more bits. We can then mask off the bottom 8 bits to get the original 8-bits from the short - without the sign.

E.g. short =511 = 0x01FE
     // lots of 0x000's because the operations are done on 32-bit int's
     byte1 = (0x000001FE & 0x000000FF) = (0x01FE & 0xFF) = 0xFE = (byte)-2
     byte2 = 0x1

     newShort = (byte2 << 8) + (byte1 & 0xFF)
              = (0x1 << 8) + (0xFE & 0xFF)
            // since the ops are performed as int's
              = (0x00000001 << 8) + (0xFFFFFFFE & 0x000000FF)
            // 0xFFFFFFFE = -2 
              = (0x00000100) + (0x000000FE)
              = 0x000001FE
              = 511
Yan Cheng CHEOK
Yan Cheng CHEOK
Operations on integral types smaller than an int are first implicitly cast to an int. So, before 0xFF is anded with the value, the value is first sign extended to an int, and then the mask discards all the upper bits. My edit shows this in more detail.