I'm still learning functions and how they work. I know what I'm doing wrong just not how to fix it. I am writing a function to pull image data out of a database and return it onto the screen. It works but if there is more than one image it will return the last image only. I know the problem is that $project_image
is only returning the last image because of the way the while loop works but my question is how can i either not use a while loop or make it add more than one image to the $project_image
Abridged Function
function get_project_image($id,$type="thumb",$src="false",$limit=1){
if($type =="main"){
$project_image_qry = mysql_query(" SELECT i_name FROM `project_images` WHERE i_project_id = '$id' AND i_type= '2' LIMIT $limit " ) or die(mysql_error());
while($project_image_row = mysql_fetch_array($project_image_qry)) {
$project_image_result = mysql_fetch_array ($project_image_qry);
$project_image .= '<img src="'.admin_settings('site_url').admin_settings('image_main_dir').'/'.$project_image_result['i_name'].'" alt="project_image"/>';
$project_image .= $project_image_result['i_name'];
return $project_image;