I am new to ruby so what i want to know is whts the use of xml in ruby means for what purpose rexml is there in ruby cud any body give me example like by adding some xml documents in our ruby programme we have this kind of benefit means i want to know for what purpose xml is used in ruby .sorry if it looks stupid question but i want to know plzzz help me....
The XML is use in ruby like in other langage. You can use it to configure your programme or communicate with other stuff.
After we prefere JSON to communicate ad YAML to configure.
2010-06-25 06:51:46
thanks shingara but cud u plzz explain how xml is used to communicate with other stuff and what r possible other stuff ??
amit singh tomar
2010-06-25 07:27:47
like webservice.By REST or even by SOAP. Not specific to ruby
2010-06-25 07:47:23