
with your code structure - no, but you can preprocess $_POST.. this approach is not very nice, but if you fill out your forms ONLY like in the example, it's going to work.

$parametersToPreprocess = array(
foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $postKey) {
    if (in_array($postKey, $parametersToPreprocess)) {
        $_POST[$postKey] = htmlentities($_POST[$postKey]);

Nope. PHP's built-in templating has no feature to automatically escape output values. The best you can manage is to define a function with a short name to save yourself a bit of typing:

    function h($s) {
        echo htmlspecialchars($s, ENT_QUOTES);

<input id="text" name="text" value="<?php h(isset($_POST['text'])? $_POST['text'] : ''); ?>">

(Note: htmlspecialchars, not htmlentities, which will try to HTML-encode all non-ASCII characters, which will mess them up if you don't pass in the right $charset argument.)


In codeigniter we can do that as a part of rules like $rules['other_gait']="htmlentities|max_length[200]";

But thanks for the hint to use htmlentities.