We have a v.large Dictionary<long,uint>
(several million entries) as part of a high performance C# application. When the application closes we serialise the dictionary to disk using BinaryFormatter
and MemoryStream.ToArray()
. The serialisation returns in about 30 seconds and produces a file about 200MB in size. When we then try to deserialise the dictionary using the following code:
BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();
Stream stream = File.Open("filePathName", FileMode.Open);
Dictionary<long, uint> allPreviousResults =
(Dictionary<long, uint>)bin.Deserialize(stream);
It takes about 15 minutes to return. We have tried alternatives and the slow part is definitely bin.Derserialize(stream)
, i.e. the bytes are read from the hard drive (high performance SSD) in under 1 second.
Can someone please point out what we are doing wrong as we want the load time on the same order as the save time.
Regards, Marc