So, I wrote a simple Ruby class, and put it in my rails /lib directory. This class has the following method:
def Image.make_specific_image(paths, newfilename)
puts "making specific image"
@new_image =, "w")
puts @new_image.inspect
@@blank.each(">") do |line|
puts line + "~~~~~"
@new_image.puts line
if line =~ /<g/
paths.each do |p|
puts "adding a path"
puts p
@new_image.puts p
Which creates a new file, and copies a hardcoded string (@@blank) to this file, adding custom content at a certain location (after a g tag is found)
If I run this code from ruby, everything is just peachy.
HOWEVER, if I run this code from rails, the file gets CREATED, but is then empty. I've inspected each line of the code: nothing I'm trying to write to the file is nil, but the file is empty nonetheless.
I'm really stumped here. Is it a permissions thing? If so, why on EARTH would Rails have the permissions necessary to MAKE a file, but then not WRITE to the file it made?
Does File I/O somehow work differently in rails?
Specifically, I have a model method that calls:
Image.make_specific_image(paths, + ".svg")
which succesfully makes a file of the type "47.svg" that is empty.