I've got a method JSNI that calls a Java method that take a Hasmap as input. I've tried
[email protected]::myMethod(Ljava/util/Hashmap;)(myHashMap);
[email protected]::myMethod(Ljava/util/Hashmap<Ljava/lang/String,Ljava/lang/String>;)(myHashMap);
I'm can't seem to define the correct type signature to include the Strings or find if this usage is even allowed.
Since I'm doing this in gwt I though it might be the implementation of hashmap and the alternative approach I've though takes a String[][] array as input
I was hoping for somwthing like
[email protected]::myMethod([[Ljava/lang/String;)(myArray);
However, I hit another issue of finding the correct JNSI sntax for the 2nd dimension of the array
A single dimension array ie. [Ljava/lang/String;
is fine but I need the 2nd dimension.
Any help/ideas or links to good jnsi doc appreciated.