I found some good resources for rotating a bitmap in android here and elsewher eon the net. I am close to getting my code to work but apparently I don't fully understand how the Matrix Translations work. The following is three main functions from my sprite class. THey worked great before I added things to facilitate the matrix rotation (namely in the onDraw I called the draw with just x,y and no matrix). I wrote some test code to add a sprite, and rotate it from 0 to 360 and back to 0 again repeatedly. It results it in rotating about like its orbiting some odd point. In reality I want it to just sit there and spin:
public void Rotate_Sprite(int transform, int deg)
int spriteCenterX = x+(width/2);
int spriteCenterY = y+(height/2);
mMatrix.setRotate(deg, spriteCenterX, spriteCenterY);
public void Draw_Sprite(Canvas c) {
//c.drawBitmap(images[curr_frame], x, y, null); //this worked great esp in move sprite
c.drawBitmap(images[curr_frame], mMatrix, null);
public void Create_Sprite(blah blah) {
mMatrix = new Matrix();
public int Move_Sprite() {
//with the matrix stuff, I assume I need a translate. But it does't work right
//for me at all.
int lastx=this.x;
int lasty=this.y;
mMatrix.postTranslate(lastX-x,lastY-y); //doesn't work at all
I did find this J2me like reference here. Though it seems to have all my sprites I call rotate on in orbit around one point.