



I have a simple form accomplished with Zend_Form which is retrieving all its parameters from an XML file. Form has a file input which I need to allow empty submits as well. I mean users should have the chance to leave this field empty.

I tried various combinations of allowEmpty and required directives but no help. Below is the XML block generating the field. Thank you for your help..

<image1Filename type="file">
                <options label="Some Input" allowEmpty="true" required="false" destination="images/cups">
                        <Size validator="Size">
                            <options value="102400"/>
                        <Extension validator="Extension">
                            <options value="jpg,png,gif"/>
+1  A: 

You should add:


inside the


In your example it should be:

<image1Filename type="file">
            <options label="Some Input" allowEmpty="true" required="false" destination="images/cups">
                    <Size validator="Size">
                        <options value="102400"/>
                    <Extension validator="Extension">
                        <options value="jpg,png,gif"/>
                <required>false</required> <!-- <<< here -->
It's not working :( Any ideas? I keep on receiving the same message "... is not uploaded". ZF version is 1.9.1.This required=false issue troubles me every time :)
Does it make a difference if you disable/remove validators?