



Despite all the hype, in reality the HTML5 video tag has a bit of a problem. In order to use it and for it to be cross browser compatible, you have to include more than one format of the video. To target all supported browsers these formats are mp4 and ogg.

I was searching around for optimum settings for each format but unfortunately I couldn't find any. I'm using ffmpeg 0.6 which has the tagline "Works with HTML5". I'm no video expert so I was wondering if anyone could recommend decent settings for each format?


Here is one I'd recommend to help you. It has a good number of examples too.

+3  A: 

I ended up using ffmpeg and ffmpeg2theora.

WebKit compatible h.264 video

I decided to go for the ipod640 preset because it means the video can be viewed nicely on an iPhone or iPod touch. Of course, you can change the settings around a bit, get rid of the '-vpre ipod640', change the resolution or quality. Anyway the command is:

ffmpeg -i video_source_file.ext -vcodec libx264 -vpre hq -vpre ipod640 -b 250k -bt 50k -acodec libfaac -ab 56k -ac 2 -s 480x320 video_out_file.mp4

Firefox compatible Ogg video

This depends on you having ffmpeg2theora installed. Also, I have only tested it with the input file being the output file from the previous ffmpeg conversion. The command is:

ffmpeg2theora video_out_file.mp4 video_out_file.ogv


Hi I would like to ask i have successfully make segments of .mp4 file using mediafilesegmenter by using command mediafilesegmenter -f Sites/stream Sites/song.mp4

But when i am giving another extension like Flv and Mp3, It wont allow me to do it. How can i do it? Can anyone help me in this regard...

Should i have to convert it to .mp4 through ffmpeg first. I am new to Iphone so please help me out of this issue...

Saibi Rocker