I'm new to Python and multithreading, so please bear with me.
I'm writing a script to process domains in a list through Web of Trust, a service that ranks websites from 1-100 on a scale of "trustworthiness", and write them to a CSV. Unfortunately Web of Trust's servers can take quite a while to respond, and processing 100k domains can take hours.
My attempts at multithreading so far have been disappointing -- attempting to modify the script from this answer gave threading errors, I believe because some threads took too long to resolve.
Here's my unmodified script. Can someone help me multithread it, or point me to a good multithreading resource? Thanks in advance.
import urllib
import re
text = open("top100k", "r")
text = text.read()
text = re.split("\n+", text)
out = open('output.csv', 'w')
for element in text:
content = urllib.urlopen("http://api.mywot.com/0.4/public_query2?target=" + element)
content = content.read()
content = content[content.index('<application name="0" r="'):content.index('" c')]
content = element + "," + content[25] + content[26] + "\n"