



I have a directory with 50 .c source files and each one of these .c files depends on a .h file with the same name plus a common header file.


foo.c depends on foo.h and common.h
bar.c depends on bar.h and common.h
baz.c depends on baz.h and common.h

Is it possible to setup this dependency without having to make a separate target for each .c file?

In case it matters, the ultimate output of this Makefile will be a libfoo.a library containing each of these .o files.


If at all possible I would like to do this with gnu make syntax and not have a target for each file whether or not that target was created manually or by something like makedepend.

+5  A: 

As far as I know this should suffice.

%.o: %.c %.h common.h
\tgcc -c $<

\t is a tab, and the gcc -c $< is of course just an example.

That did the trick, thanks!
+3  A: 
OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard *.c))
%.o: %.c %.h common.h
    gcc -c $< -o $@

libfoo.a: $(OBJECTS)
    ar rcs $@ $^
Just a tad too late. This is pretty much exactly what I'm doing except I use `$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $?` and I don't specify the `-o $@` part in the `gcc` line. +1 for the help.
Btw, I like the idea of nesting `$(wildcard)` in the pattern sub without the need for a `SOURCES` variable but I can't get it to work. Maybe you need `$(patsubst)` for this?
Yep, this works --> `OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard *.c))`
You are correct. It seems that the substitution reference and the `patsubst` form are only equivalent when you are transforming text stored in a variable, not when using a nested command. Editing my answer to fix the mistake.