I have a webapp that I'm building, and have just started with SQLite. I have been able to create my form, open the database I created, create the table, and fields i need, and enter data into the fields.
Now I'm trying to read the data back out with a SELECT statement, to show it on screen and as a list of the columns. I just don't know the syntax for the SELECT statemnt in javascript or HTML5 beyond
'SELECT * FROM MyTable'...I know it can be done, just need some help with the syntax of getting the results onto the screen.
I start with this.
var db = window.openDatabase('TabOrder', '', 'Bar Tab Orders', 2500000);
function insertDrinks(category, drinkname, our_cost, cust_cost){
tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO Drinks (category, drinkname, our_cost, cust_cost) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', [category, drinkname, out_cost, cust_cost]);
$(document).ready(function() {
db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Drinks(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Autonumber, category TEXT, drinkname TEXT, our_cost FLOAT(6,2), cust_cost FLOAT(7,2))', []);
I later have this....
View Cat / Drink List
function readDrinks(id, category, drinkname, our_cost, cust_cost){
db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM Drinks', [id, category, drinkname, our_cost, cust_cost]);
document.write(id, category + " are the categories.");
I just tried to piece it together, and have no idea what i'm doing with it beyond the basic SQL.
Any help is greatly appreciated...and this is for a client side DB, not one connecting to the web.