




i have a dedicated server with one site. i have DSO enabled. i have to have it enabled as suPHP is a serious resource hog. the load time between DSO and suPHP is night and day.

i have an issue with move_uploaded_files. under DSO PHP is running as a webserver process. the file's owner is always set to nobody and move_uploaded_files throws a permissions error. if i have suPHP enabled, then file's owner is set to the username and the move_uploaded_files works fine. anybody know how i can run with DSO enabled and have it so the file owner can be username?

thanks, john


i have more information as i have narrowed it down to url('pictures/'.base64_encode($new_src));. does anyone know why the url() function or possibly base64_encode() function may cause issues with php5 running DSO?

John H

figured it out. i had to reboot the server. can you believe that? all these hours running tests, checking logs, etc.

John H