



I was messing around with Scala 2.8 for fun and trying to define a pimp which adds an "as" method to type constructors, allowing to convert from one functor to another (please overlook the fact that I'm not necessarily dealing with functors here). So for instance, you could use it like this:

val array:Array[T]
val list:List[T] =[List]

So here's what I tried to do:

object Test {
    abstract class NatTrans[F[_], G[_]] {
        def convert[T](f:F[T]):G[T]

    implicit def array2List:NatTrans[Array, List] = new NatTrans[Array, List] { 
        def convert[T](a:Array[T]) = a.toList

    // this next part gets flagged with an error
    implicit def naturalTransformations[T, F[_]](f:F[T]) = new {
        def as[G[_]](implicit n:NatTrans[F, G]) = n convert f

however the definition of naturalTransformations is flagged with the error "can't existentially abstract over parameterized type G[T]". To fix this, I can rewrite naturalTransformations along with an additional class Transformable like so:

class Transformable[T, F[_]](f:F[T]) {
    def as[G[_]](implicit n:NatTrans[F, G]) = n convert f

implicit def naturalTransformations[T, F[_]](f:F[T]) = new Transformable[T, F](f)

and it appears to work. But it seems like my first attempt should've been equivalent, so I'm curious why it failed and what the error message means.

+5  A: 
Arjan Blokzijl

To me this sounds like a simplicity against generality case: there could be a new type variable generated every time a block is created capturing some type constructor instantiated with existential type, but that would make error diagnostics more difficult to understand.

Also note that having a class turns the call into a fast INVOKEVIRTUAL, rather than invoking as() method by reflection.
