Some of my more unusual bindings:
(global-set-key [pause] 'emms-pause)
First good use for the pause key in a very long time!
(global-set-key [(super \\)] 'find-file-at-point)
Just all-around useful.
(global-set-key [(super s)] 'shell)
(global-set-key [(meta p)] 'shell)
With the second binding in place, I can quickly type M-p M-p RET to return to the shell buffer and repeat the last command I typed there.
Then there are the unbindings:
(global-unset-key "\C-x\C-n")
Never really had a use for set-goal-column
, and always kept tripping over it.
(when window-system (global-unset-key "\C-z"))
I hate it when I accidentally type C-z and iconify my frame.
Now we get a little meta:
(defmacro global-set-key* (keys &rest body)
`(global-set-key ,keys (lambda () (interactive) ,@body)))
Just a little keystroke-saving device that lets me write stuff like:
(global-set-key* [(shift control n)] (next-line) (scroll-up 1))
(global-set-key* [(shift control p)] (previous-line) (scroll-down 1))