I am trying to convert my custom simple auth system in my rails app to use AuthLogic. I have managed to get everything working fairly easily, but now when I try to login it will not properly validate my credentials. The pertinent code is below:
# app/models/profile.rb
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_authentic do |c|
c.transition_from_crypto_providers = Authlogic::CryptoProviders::Sha1,
c.crypto_provider = Authlogic::CryptoProviders::Sha512
I used to use this to hash my password on creation:
# app/models/profile.rb
def hash_password
self.salt = ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.base64(8)
self.hashed_password = Digest:SHA1.hexdigest(self.salt + @password)
I have already converted all the necessary table columns to be compatible with AuthLogic. Is there a way to log what AuthLogic is hashing the password as? What else could be wrong?