



i get the face book user id who create face book page,now i need to get page id to display like box in my website.

different users have there own face book pages.however i know to get there facebook user id

is there any solution or alternative solution,something like fquery or etc???


Facebook calls this a "connection". You can find a list of all available connections at the Graph API documentation. Fan pages are not among them. You can, however, get a list of groups or events the user is involved with.

Johannes Gorset
how ever i need to do this
need to try atleast using fan page name to get id,but there is bit confusing title of the page and page name in the url is different
@ FRKT i need to get fan page id of user created page not user involved or user is a fan
@kasun: You can't get the ids of fan pages the user created. The Facebook API does not support it.
Johannes Gorset
@FRKt thanks for ur comment

i have try to do this,there is no way to get fan page id via creater id, at the end i get id from the user who likes the page,(creater also need to likea that page)

This is not an answer.
Johannes Gorset