The whole weekend, I've been learning how to use TinyMCE with ASP.NET MVC. I was getting the XSS error ("A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client(...)").
To deal with that, I was advised to use the [ValidateInput(false)] attribute to release the checking, but without success. Until, by accident, I did a postback to a different action method (i.e. not the one that displayed the view containning TextArea control). so I have to explicit both the Action and the controller. IT WORKED. So I tried to explicitly declare the BeginForm for the first case, then, IT WORKED AGAIN.
The question is WHY
both did not work.
<%Using(Html.BeginForm("WriteArticle", "ArticleManagement")){%>
This one worked.
So, Why the famous "Convention over configuration" didn't work?
public class ArticleManagementController:Controller
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
//Here model is created and updated
public ActionResult WriteArticle()
//Here's the method that displays the View containing the TinyMCE editor
//There are more action methods
Thanks for helping.