



I know that with the telephony manager listen, you can listen for 3 different states. Iknow that CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK indicates that there is at least one call that is dialing, active, etc. My question is- with the telephony manager, is there a way to determine what number the phone is off hook with? I thought getLine1Number() might return that phone number that is being dialed, but it is not what I expect. I am working with 2 emulators, and added a log line so that I could see what that method is doing. When dialing another emulator, I expected getLine1Number() to return 5554, but it was 15555218135. Perhaps there is another method I should be using instead? Do I need to be into the source code to get the information I want?


Clearly, getLine1Number() is returning the phone's number. I currently have a work around of having the user use the program to initiate a call. They enter the number to dial in a text box and that way I can capture the number.
