



How can I make this get a specific users data, Example user enters his 3 digit code in the badge text box so that

only his information is shown. Can I add a where clause to the select command? or is there a better way to do this?

Also is there a good book out there with information about, c# and oracle.

 // string Badge = "100000" + Request.Form["xBadgeTextBox"]; in

default.aspx.cs //"SELECT * FROM CLOCK_HISTORY WHERE BADGE ='" + Badge + "'"; would something like this work?

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" 
             ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStrings %>" 
             ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStrings.ProviderName %>" 
             SelectCommand="SELECT &quot;CLOCK_IN_TIME&quot;, &quot;CLOCK_OUT_TIME&quot; FROM &quot;CLOCK_HISTORY&quot;">
+1  A: 

From your first code chunk it looks like you want to pass a parameter to a web page? Look into Query Strings.

In your page you can then access this query string value and pass it to your SQL SELECT statement; yes it would go into a WHERE clause.

UPDATE: in relation to the comment, read the following MSDN page:

Also, you could try looking into ASP.NET Profiles where you could potentially tailor an entire page based on the current user, but this might be more complicated than is required.

I read up on Query Strings but one of the disadvantages listed is to not use this method for transferring sensitive data.
Michael Quiles
I've updated my answer.