The first thing to note is that PUNICODE_STRING's internal string buffer might not be null-terminated. So it would be best to go via a standard null-terminated wide string, that can then be passed straight to SysAllocString.
Try this:
// create a null-terminated version of the input string
wchar_t* nullTerminatedString = new wchar_t[pStr->Length + 1];
memset(nullTerminatedString, 0, sizeof(wchar_t) * (pStr->Length + 1)];
wcsncpy(nullTerminatedString, pStr->Buffer, pStr->Length);
// create a BSTR
BSTR bstrString = ::SysAllocString(nullTerminatedString);
// tidy-up and return the BSTR
delete [] nullTerminatedString;
return bstrString;