I have a web application that will display logos. Some of the logos will be in GIF format. Some will be in JPEG format.
I'd like to standardize a file naming convention, so that I can find the logo file given the company's Primary Key. For example "British Petroleum" has a PK of 1459, and their logo is stored in /Images/Logos/C1459
So my question is this:
Are the file extensions important? Can I just save the files, and strip off the .JPG or .GIF and expect all browsers to be able to identify and render the file? Or do some broswers rely on the file extension for identification?
I've tried this on a test machine with IE7 and it works fine, but I don't want to assume that all other browsers work the same.
EDIT: A Follow up question. Hows does IIS determine the MIME Type of a extension-less file?