What are the requirements for formatting a 'store' used by a dijit.form.Select?
Currently i'm pulling a json style db (backend is a mongoStore) and using THE SAME DB in a dojox.data.DataGrid and a dijit.form.Select. I set the db as the 'store' attribute for both, and for the datagrid it works perfectly (after specificying the layout).
This works....
this.setGrid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
store: this.db,
structure: this.setGridLayout
In the Select however it does not work at all. In the drop down i get thin blank spaces roughly equivalent in number to the number of objects in the db. What do i need to specify in the select/how do i need to format the data so that the select can display the data correctly?
This doesnt work...
var select = new dijit.form.Select({
store: this.db