
dijit.form.FilteringSelect does not display any value

I create a filtering select like so: var lensMapServiceFS = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({ displayedValue: this.layerNames[0], value: this.layerNames[0], name: "lensMapServiceFS", required: false, store: lensMapServiceOptions, searchAttr: "name", style: {'width': '100px', 'fontSize': '8pt'} }, this.id + ".lensMapService"); ...

Overriding dijit validator function and using regExp attribute

I'm new to dojo and could really use some help with the following 2 field validation examples. In the following example of a dijit.form.ValidationTextBox field specifying the validator property seems to override the use of the regExp. (ie the field no longer adheres to the regExp rule). How to I make it do both? <input dojoType="dijit....

custom form validation using Dojo

I want to perform some client side form validation and I was thinking to use Dojo to do it. I want the user to be able to insert what he wants in the text boxes, but when he clicks submit, the form to be validated. If a field is invalid I want to display a red border around the textbox and a message to the right, also in red. If user c...

Value of dojox.CheckedMultiSelect not being posted with dojo.xhrPost

When I post a form using dojo.xhrPost, I get all the fields in my form POSTed except for the value of my dojox.CheckedMultiSelect, no matter what options are selected. The declaration of my CheckedMultiSelect: <div dojoType="dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore" jsId="processTypeList" url="json/processtypelist.json.php"></div> <label for="proce...

dijit Form toJson returns empty object for dijit.form.DateTextBox

Running the following code: dojo.toJson(formSearch.attr("value")); Appears to not serialize the value of dijit.form.DateTextBox controls. Looking in Firebug, I can see that formSearch.attr("value")) returns the appropriate DOM object that contains the value that the control is set to, but when I try to serialize it, I get something l...

Null or 0 values in dijit.form.datetextbox

I'm using a standard output of Zend_Dojo_Element_DateTextbox AKA dijit.form.datetextbox... I want to use NULL or 0 values, but it always defaults to 11/30/1899... is there a simple option to enable this?? ...

Dojo/Dijit: Can't get filtering select to work

I have a page with some JavaScript and it includes dojo.parser and has parseOnLoad set to true and whatnot. Later in the page, I have another JavaScript tag that has: dojo.require('dijit.form.FilteringSelect'); dojo.registry.remove('ID OF SELECT BOX'); After all that, I have a select box with dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect". W...

dijit.form.ComboBox set max. height of its popupWidget

Hey there, is there a clean way (via attributes) to set the height of a dijit.form.ComboBox popup-list to show only a certain number of entries and a scrollbar? ...

Error with dijit.form.NumberTextBox

Despite many trials and errors, I cannot get the NumberTextBox widget to work. I keep receiving this error message: Catchable fatal error: Argument 4 passed to Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_NumberTextBox::numberTextBox() must be an array, null given The odd thing is: I event tried this example straight from the ZF examples page and it fail...

Changing constraints on the fly

Hi, I have a dijit.form.NumberTextBox input field that starts out with these parms: new dijit.form.NumberTextBox({ id: din1, style: "width:60px", constraints: { places: 0, pattern: '######' } }, din1); Everything works great..My question is I would like to change 'places' and 'pattern' parms...

My Dijit DateTimeCombo widget doesn't send selected value on form submission

i need to create a Dojo widget that lets users specify date & time. i found a sample implementation attached to an entry in the Dojo bug tracker. It looks nice and mostly works, but when i submit the form, the value sent by the client is not the user-selected value but the value sent from the server. What changes do i need to make to ...

Removing duplicates from a Dojo FilteringSelect

Hi, I'm trying to remove duplicates from a Dojo FilteringSelect without changing the contents of the attached itemFileReadStore data store. I can't seem to find any information on how this is done, if it is indeed possible. I'm thinking I may have to extend the FilteringSelect Dijit and provide the functionality myself but I'm hoping t...

How to detect the specific elements (TextBox vs Arrow) of a dijit FilteringSelect

I'm trying have default values for Zend_Dojo_Form_Elements be set to '' when a user clicks into the element. This works fine for a TextBox and partially for a FilteringSelect The FilteringSelect clears, but it does it when you click on the drop down arrow too, causing the drop down to not work. I'd like to have it clear only when you ...

dijit.form.Combobox show label Instead of value

I've a dijit.form.Combobox field which uses a ItemFileReadStore to pull Its data. Teh ItemFileReadStore has two attribute per Item value which will be used for form submission , generally Unique Integers and label which is Human Understandable String. In ComboBox HTML I've done searchAttr="value" labelAttr="label" When the ComboBox Shows...

How do you format data for a dijit.form.Select?

What are the requirements for formatting a 'store' used by a dijit.form.Select? Currently i'm pulling a json style db (backend is a mongoStore) and using THE SAME DB in a dojox.data.DataGrid and a dijit.form.Select. I set the db as the 'store' attribute for both, and for the datagrid it works perfectly (after specificying the layout). ...

Page or Form First Control Focus Issue for dijit.Form.DateTextBox

I would like to inquire about the issue of dijit DateTextBox, When a DateTextBox is the first control in the page, the popup control is no longer shown since the toolkit probably waits for onfocus event to show the popup instead of the onclick. Is there anyway to make the first date textbox control to show the popup when the mouse is pl...

Dojo Select onChange event firing when changing value programatically

Hey, I have a dojo (dijit) select dropdown that calls a js function onChange. I was expecting this to only call the onChange function when the user changes the value in the dropdown, however, it even calls the onChange function when I programatically change the value of the dropdown from js code. How do I get it to only call the functio...

dijit.form.Form inside dijit.Dialog not working as expected in IE7/8 - works fine in firefox/chrome

Inside dijit.Dialog, I am trying to process a dijit.form.Form. The problem is: on hitting the submit button, the dialog box just closes and does nothing - while it's expected to submit the form to login_submit.php and alert() with a message saying the form was submitted successfully. This works fine on Firefox/Chrome though. The code is...

isValid is not a function error when accessing dijit widget in template

I have a dijit validationtextbox widget: <input dojoAttachPoint="tbIPAddress" type="text" size="15" class="ipaddress" dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox" required="true" regExp="^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$" promptMessage="Enter IP Addres...

How to loop through form elements/fields with Dojo

Hi everyone, Does anybody know how one would go about looping through all the elements in a form using Dojo? (the form itself was created through the ZendFW Zend_Dojo_Form) What I'm trying to do is go through all the fields/inputs in the form, and if possible, change their id value. However, even if its not possible to change the ID's...