
Event handling in Dojo

Hello All: Apologies in advance for the appaling long post (and pretty applaing code, too). Taking Jeff Atwood's advice, I decided to use a JavaScript library for the very basic to-do list application I'm writing. I picked the Dojo toolkit, version 1.1.1. At first, all was fine: the drag-and-drop code I wrote worked first time, you can ...

FilteringSelect with a QueryReadStore: selection doesn't stick

I am using a dijit.form.FilteringSelect backed by a dojox.data.QueryReadStore in order to allow the user to select a region (think "auto-complete" mechanism). On each character entered by the user, the QueryReadStore sends a request to the server, awaiting a json list of matching regions (with associated IDs). By the time a short enoug...

Append dynamically generated dijit to end of a div

Is there a way to create and append a dijit to the end of a div? Say I have the following code: <div id="attendants"> </div> <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onClick="addPerson();">Add Person</button> I found the following code online but this replaces my 'attendants' div: var personCount = 0; function addPerson() { personCo...

Doh / dijit robot - no mouse actions happening

I wrote an automated test using dijit robot - but in order to be able to use relative paths within our web application, I created an OSGi service for our tests and put the test code in a velocity template. When I try to run the tests, nothing happens. If I use the same script in an html file and access it directly from windows explorer...

Running Dijit robot tests in DOH runner

I am using dijit robotx and using doh.robot.initRobot(myAppUrl) within my test page to run tests against my actual app. I load this page up in DOH runner. It is working except after a really short amount of time, it gives me a timeout error. I ensured my timeouts for the tests were long, but it still happens. Is there some special timeou...

Dojo: Get ID of inlineEditBox on OnChange

I'm using dojo and dijit and have an inlineEditBox widget. I'm trying to capture the onchange event and send a key/value post to a php page (to set into a database). The value is the new value just submitted, available from e.target.value. That's easy. I'd like the key value to be the id of the inlineEditBox widget. How can I access...

Constraints on Dijit DateTextBox [Valid days of the week]

Quick question about the Dijit.Form.DateTextBox http://docs.dojocampus.org/dijit/form/DateTextBox This page contains the following: "also validates against developer-provided constraints like min, max, valid days of the week, etc." I can't seem to find documentation allowing me to provide a constraint on the days of the week. For ins...

DojoToolkit AccordionContainer

How easy is it to make AccordionContainer provided with Dojotoolkit to slide up and down On MouseHover of Title rather than onMouseClick of the title pane. ...

How do I specify the selected tab with dijit.layout.TabContainer?

How do you specify the selected tab at startup? How do you programmatically select tabs? ...

Dijit combobox not rendering in custom widget

I am trying to use the combobox provided by Dijit inside of a custom-made widget. I have been using Dojo's tutorial on comboboxes to guide me. When I implement a stand-alone webpage similar to their tutorial examples, everything worked fine; but when I ported the code into my custom-made widget, it just renders the combobox as a plain ...

Dojo dijit.form.NumberTextBox returning "NaN"

Howdy Folks, iam using an dijit.form.NumberTextBox, if no value is inside it returns "NaN" , is there any way to set it to Zero ? <dt><label for="xx"><?php echo $this->translate('xx');?></label></dt> <dd><input type="text" name="xx" id="xx" dojoType="dijit.form.NumberTextBox" required="false" value="0" ...

Possible dijit.Tree Cookie issue (SaveStateCookie)

So our app is set up like the standard left frame with the tree, right frame has the main content (loaded from clicking the tree). Our web app inconsistently displays a blank page in the main frame in Firefox. By inconsistent I mean everyday for a few, rarely for others, never for most. Once we get this, going to any other page through ...

Cannot create dijits via dojo.NodeList.instantiate

I am trying to get dijits to render using the dojo.NodeList.instantiate method, which takes existing HTML elements and turns them into dijits when the DOM has loaded. The API reference for the instantiate method can be found here. The following example, which calls the instantiate method in the dojo.addOnLoad method, should create a Bo...

Dojo widget defaults

Hi All, i'm currently writing a large scale application heavily based on the dojo toolkit. The whole app is working and standing, but one issue i can not find my way out with, is the creation of custom widgets. It would be useful because it would clean up my source code and also i can reuse this 'widgets' in later projects. For example...

oncomplete event for dojo.place

Hello, I have a number of ajax calls with content being inserted by dojo.place. I have dojo widgets in the new content so I have to execute dojo.parser.parse() after the content is "placed". The trouble is I cannot find away of executing this. If I put the code on next line I gets executed too soon. I have had to put it in a setInterva...

Looking for a Dijit Widget which works like a default html select

Hi, I'm looking for a dijit widget which works like a normal html select (combobox). all dijit widgets i found until now, have an editable text box. I prefer to have a drop down box only and no editable textbox. <select name="aCombobox"> <option value="1" selected="selected">Hund</option> <option value="2">Katze</option> <o...

dijit button theming not visibly applying in IE6

I've got a very simple page, with one dijit button. I'm trying to override the font on the button with blue, times, bold. It works fine in FF, but in IE, I'm just seeing black, arial, normal text. If I look in IE Dev Toolbar, it shows the rule as applying, but not in the display. Am I doing something wrong? Here's the code: <html> <...

Is keyboard (arrow key) navigation supported in dijit.Tree 1.3 on Safari 1.3? Safari 1.3 onkeypress onkeydown question.

I first noticed apparent lack of keyboard support for navigation in dijit.Tree and am aware there were changes to keypress keydown behaviour around Safari 1.3.1 Also there was significant thought put in by dojo contributors on best way to go, e.g. trak 6876 Recently i have had issue with some of my own keydown handlers not firing (The...

Whats the best way to programatically open a pane inside Dijit AccordionContainer.

I am trying open & close accordion panes programatically. Here is the simplified version of my code. Even though I set the first pane's selected to false and and second pane's selected to true, only the first pane opens when it loads on the browser (FF3). var accordionContainer = new dijit.layout.AccordionContainer().placeAt("test"); va...

Dojo TabContainer with styling in Internet Explorer

The following works in firefox: top:0px;margin-top:60px;bottom:0px;width:100%"> height:100%"> {% for row in tabContent %} top:0px;margin-top:60px;bottom:0px;width:100%"> ...