
How to make height of a dijit Accordionpane dynamic

I can't figure out how to tell the accordioncontainer to set height of its accordion pane to auto so that the height of the pane is dynamic depending on its content. In the following code I am adding two panes to an accordioncontainer. One has height of 10px and another has 90px but in both cases the height of the accordion pane is cal...

Could not load 'dijit.Menu'

I want to run Dojo/Dijit with the Google CDN: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/dojo/1.3.2/dojo/dojo.xd.js"&gt; </script> I've tried 1.3.2, 1.3, 1.2 and all give this same problem. If what I've read is true, I only need to include the dojo.xd.js - then the requires will properly find dij...

Dojo/Dijit - DateTextBox hides my initial value

Demo: http://3wcloud-com-provisioning-qa.appspot.com/testDijitDate The calendar pop-up works fine and lets me pick a new date. But when the page loads, I see the date 08/15/2009 flash for just a moment, then it disappears. Is there some reason the CSS or JS would hide it by default? My HTML: <input id="startDate" name="startDate" ...

Dojo - Some of my form.dijit's seem to be dead/inactive on one page

I was started to work on my first sample of the dijit.Tree control. When it didn't work, I added a couple of dijit.form.Textbox'es to the screen, and they didn't work either, even though I have them working fine on a similar form. Interesting enough, when I killed FireFox and restarted it, I was got a clear message in FireBug console ...

JSON - not all fields quoted in Dojo diji.tree sample code in book

O'Reilly book "Dojo - The Definitive Guide" page 378 shows the following sample Tree structure which is supposedly JSON. It seems to work in building the Dijit Tree structure. { identifier: 'name', label:'name', items: [ {    name: "Programming Languages",      children: [ etc... Should the word identi...

dijit.getViewport issue

I am trying to create an object and then call dijit.getViewport from inside a function, but I keep getting an error in firebug which I dont quite understand. I have stripped the object right down to the bare minimum to try and understand where is going wrong. this is what I am left with: "use strict"; dojo.provide("local.mods.Builder")...

Programmatically Created AccordionContainer in a BorderContainer having sizing issues.

Hi all, I am trying to programmatically create an AccordionContainer within a BorderContainer. I am able to get the accordion container to show up, however, it appears that it incorrectly computes it's initial size. When the screen draws, the second accordion panel is off the bottom of the screen. If you resize the screen, or press the ...

dojo - how to allow a module to popup a dialog

i have a module. I need it to be able to display a modal dialog. Seems like I need to inject a div into the main DOM and then parse it. Is this the right approach. Are there samples (or even a util- seems like this would not be that uncommon) ...

Dojo/Dijit Layout - tried to add a banner at the top of an existing layout

Please look at these two attempts: http://3wcloud-com-provisioning-qa.appspot.com/testDijitLayout?menuStyle=dijitTest1 http://3wcloud-com-provisioning-qa.appspot.com/testDijitLayout?menuStyle=dijitTest2 Test1 doesn't show the body, but the header is correct. Test2 shows the body, but the heading/banner is behind the dojo components. ...

How to use dojo.io.FormBind with dijit.Dialog

Lets create a great example here I have a short survery in a dijit.Dialog which I an email hanadler on the server using the code below. What I have not been able ot find is a good example vaildating the form and then doing an ajax submit (using ojo.io.FormBind) and then either sowing an Thank you and then closing the Dialog or showing a...

Are there any restrictions as to the content of a dijit.StackContainer? [solved]

Hi! Are there any restrictions regarding the elements that can be posted inside of the ContentPane of a dijit StackContainer? I'm asking this because I'm trying to put some div's inside it but when doing so, the content from the second Pane is displayed in the first one and the second Pane's button does not apear at all. (Sorry for my ba...

Problem injecting a dojox.datagrid into a dijit.layout.contentpane into a dijit.layout.tabcontainer

didn't work in FF. Did I use the right function order of grid, tabStudios, tabContainer and startups? Neither the tabcontainer nor the grid have been injected. Has someone a suggestions for this problem? dojo.addOnLoad(function() { var tabContainer=new dijit.layout.TabContainer({region:"center",id:"studio-tab"}); var tabStudios=...

dijit.form.FilteringSelect does not display any value

I create a filtering select like so: var lensMapServiceFS = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({ displayedValue: this.layerNames[0], value: this.layerNames[0], name: "lensMapServiceFS", required: false, store: lensMapServiceOptions, searchAttr: "name", style: {'width': '100px', 'fontSize': '8pt'} }, this.id + ".lensMapService"); ...

Layout: From Swing to Dojo

I've had some experience in Swing and now I'm trying my hand at writing an ajax app in dojo. I'm particularly having a problem with layout. In Swing I'm used to putting widgets in containers with layout managers for simple things like left-to-right layout to more complicated things like 4 border regions and a center region. After using ...

Customizing Dojo Widgets

Hi, How do I customize an existing Dojo widget? I'm using dojo version 1.3. In the previous versions we had the html file under templates folder. Do I need to edit the source code directly. I need to add an image to Accordion widget. Can someone please help me in customizing it? Thanks in advance. ...

Splitting a form into tabbed pages using dojo

I have a form that as more than a 100 fields across 5 categories of which only 3 fields are necessary and the rest are autofilled or set to default values. Earlier I was using a dijit.TitlePane to split the sections and hide the other remaining sections. I have now decided to switch to a tabbed model as I would like to distribute my UI...

[dijit menu] catch menu positon, and edit menu after creation

I'm working with the dijit.Menu widget, but I don't know how to do some things: How can I catch te position of the top left corner of a dijit context menu? How can I know witch dome node belongs to the dijit menu, (to do that I write into the menu the DOM node id and I find it with dojo.byId, but I don't think its the best way) How can...

dijit.Tooltip --- how do you disable hover?

I would like to have a tooltip that only comes up when you click a text link (but does nothing on hover). I know this is easy to do with jquery, but I have to use dojo. I've tried to declare a new tooltip class with "attachHover: false;" but it breaks when I declare the class so I assume this is wrong: dojo.declare("clickTooltip", digit...

Using ZeroClipboard with Dijit.Menu to provide copy functionality

Hi, I have a webapp that (did) allows text to be copied using zeroClipboard, using a Dijit.Menu, by right clicking. The problem is that Flash 10 needs the user to click on the actual Flash applet to allow this to happen now. I have tried to use the ZeroClipboard.glue() method to 'glue' the swf to the menu item but am having no success...

Refining my Dojo/Dijit NumberTextBox numeric validation

I have the following code: <input type="text" dojoType="dijit.form.NumberTextBox" size=8 constraints="{min:0,max:100000,places:0}" id="orgNumberOfStudents" name="orgNumberOfStudents" required="true" invalidMessage="Integer between 0 and 100,000" value=""> Questions: 1) How do I set the width of the box? Do I hav...