
Adding attributes to a dojo tree node on creation

I'm using a dojox.data.QueryReadStore to populate a dijit.Tree dynamically on expansion of each node. When each of the child TreeNodes is created, I'd like to put a custom attribute on it. How do I get called back on the automatic creation of TreeNodes before rendering? ...

Dojo tree selected node

Upon creating a tree from a store in dojo, it seems to pre-select the top node in my tree; does anyone know how to stop this from happening? ...

404 error dijit.Editor

Hello, I am getting an HTTP Status 404 in the content section of a dijit.Editor. The error only occurs in Internet Explorer. I am using the version of dojo that comes with the newest version of MyEclipse when Spring capabilities are added. Has anyone else run into this? Thanks, Dean ...

Top Navigation Dojo widget

Hi, Please find the attached image @ http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?0db7e494ad.jpg We would like to achieve similiar functionality using Dojo widgets. Can someone please suggest the best widgets that we should extend for achieving this. For example on hover on Tools shows the second level of navigation, which in turn can con...

dijit.MenuItem values are auto-highlighted... how to stop this???

Hello, I am using Dojo 1.3.1 and have a dijit.Menu with several dijit.MenuItem items. The menu is displayed as a context menu when the user right-clicks on items that were bound to the menu using (dijit.byId("contextmenu_pf")).bindDomNode(...). All works well, but frequently when the menu is displayed, one or more of the menu items ar...

Still no OPTGROUP?

I read in the dojo trac from 3 years ago a concern that dojo combobox needs to implement option groups. I am using version 1.3.2 and my combo is failing. Are the option groups still not supported after all this time? Thanks. ...

Dijit Dialog changing the Language

Hi All, I'm using Dijit.dialog widget. I've set the "lang" attibute's value to en-US. But still when I hover on the Cancel button I see the tool tip in some other language. Can someone please help to change the default language of the widget? Thanks in advance. Thanks, Steve ...

dijit.layout.TabContainer nested tabs auto load

Hello, I'm fairly new to Dojo toolkit, and well really like it. But I have a problem with nested tabs auto-refreshing. Here is a sample of my practice code where this problem exists. I'm currently concerned with this as it introduces a huge performance problem when the sub-tabs are plentiful; ex: my subtabs are the letters A-Z for in...

Creating custom Dojo widgets

Hi, I'm new to Dojo world. I tried to create a custom dojo widget from scratch.The problem that I'm facing is the widget is not getting parsed. I see that postCreate method of that widget is not getting called. The widget JS file is being downloaded from the server. Here are the steps what I followed. Created a javascript file CustomW...

My dijit button looks different in IE compared to Firefox!!!

Help wanted! I use the tundra theme and I have a nice button in firefox and in IE it's somewhat larger and doesn't look as silvery - maybe the image ain't applied in IE. <button id="btn1" dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="submit">Submit</button> And my general belief is that the Dojo toolkit seems to have a lot of bugs in it, sure t...

Dojo Tooltip appears in top-left corner of the page

I have a Dojo tooltip that's been initialized and it works perfectly find when hovering over the desired node. The problem is that once the tooltip shows up for the first time, when i'm no longer hovering over the "tooltip" area then the tooltip appears in the top-left part of the page. How do I hide the tooltip when i'm out of the "ho...

dojo AccordionPane onSelected replacement

According to the dojo docs, dijit.layout.AccordionPane is deprecated in favor of dijit.layout.ContentPane link: http://api.dojotoolkit.org/jsdoc/1.3.2/dijit.layout.AccordionPane I cannot find an attribute for ContentPane that functions similarly to the AccordionPane's "onSelected" attribute. Is there another widiget or another way to us...

Using table inside dijit.form.ContentPane doesn't work in Internet Explorer 7

I'm having problems using a table inside a ContentPane. It seems to work fine in Firefox but is invisible in Internet Explorer 7. The html below demonstrates what I mean. In Firefox you get: Before Table This is the table After Table In Internet Explorer 7 you get: Before Table After Table No table at all. Does anyone know the cause ...

dijit BorderContainer auto-grow

Is there a way to have a dijit.layout.BorderContainer auto-grow in height? I've tried setting min-height: 200px; height: auto;, but it won't scale. I've tried looking at the API, but that thing is a mess... So any help would be appreciated (: ...

is it possible to know if a dijit is displayed or not?

i have two divs on a page. each has several dijits. i have atoggle that shows only one div or the other. when i submit the form, i only want to validate the dijits that are in the div that is displayed. is there a way to do this? basically, and dijits that have "display:none" should not be validated. ...

How to get dojo.query to reutrn values for a dijit.Dialog

Hi all I have some code in which I am creating an dijit.Dialog with an Ajax call(href property) to populate the contents. I what to parse the returned content to dojo.connect a click event to the links in the returned content. But when I do a dojo.query("a",this.current_popup.domNode) I get an empty array back Does anybody know how c...

Tabcontainer behaves different from browser to browser

The following code works on IE8, Safari 4.0.2 - but generates an empty page on Firefox 3.5.5. Any idea ? <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://archive.dojotoolkit.org/nightly/dojotoolkit/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css"&gt; </head> <body class="tundra"> <div style="width: 350px; height: 300px"> <div id="...

DIJIT TabContainer display problems in IE7

I am having an issue with a tabcontainer displaying tabs vertically, rather than horizontally in IE7. Firefox 3.5 is fine. My setup is as follows: Tab container contains 5 tabs. Tab container has CSS defined by a custom CSS file Each tab can contain a new tab container This 'inner' tab container uses the default tundra css styling. Th...

How to make a scrollable, clickable list of items in Dojo?

I'm totally new to Dojo (using 1.3 via Google's XD), and want to try to do things the 'right way', but don't see an obvious dojo.layout.*Container for this. Basically, I have a UI with a list of categories on the left, and then a list of data on the right. So say there are 20 categories and each one has 20 items in it. I want to be ...

Overriding dijit validator function and using regExp attribute

I'm new to dojo and could really use some help with the following 2 field validation examples. In the following example of a dijit.form.ValidationTextBox field specifying the validator property seems to override the use of the regExp. (ie the field no longer adheres to the regExp rule). How to I make it do both? <input dojoType="dijit....