
How to get the "value" of a <select> in dojo?

I am using dijit.form.FilteringSelect to provide a way to select values from a . The problem is, when using dojo, the label is returned instead of the value of the s. For example: <select name="test" dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect"> <option value="1">One</option> <option value="2">Two</option> </select> Dojo is returning the lit...

Propagating events in dijit.layout.BorderContainer

I've dijit BorderContainer overlaying a gfx surface which is movable (dojox.gfx.Moveable). Is there any way of disabling BorderContainer completely from catching mouse events and letting the Surface get them instead? I've been thinking of publishing the BorderContainer events to Surface, but that's seems like an overkill and might run i...

query list of dijit checkboxes inside a DIV

I need to find all dijit.form.CheckBox widgets inside a DIV and enable/disable them all. I am not able to form appropriate query for it. I tried dojo.query("[dojoType~=dijit.form.CheckBox]") but it gives me an empty list. What is the appropriate query for it? Can DOJO query return a WidgetSet or does it always returns DOM ids? Is ther...

Migrating from Dojo 1.1.1 to Dojo 1.3/1.4

We are in mid of a project where we have used an extended Dojo 1.1.1 to meet the customer requirement and add richness. But there are quite some bugs and performance problems with this version of Dojo and we are looking ahead to migrate the Dojo version to overcome both the issues, but the migration cycle seems to be quite painful and ...

custom form validation using Dojo

I want to perform some client side form validation and I was thinking to use Dojo to do it. I want the user to be able to insert what he wants in the text boxes, but when he clicks submit, the form to be validated. If a field is invalid I want to display a red border around the textbox and a message to the right, also in red. If user c...

Generically Replace Loading Message for a dijit ContentPane

I want to replace the standard dijit.ContentPane loadingMessage with a animated GIF instead of the default "Loading..." message. According to documentation, the default message is: <span class='dijitContentPaneLoading'>${loadingState}</span> So I have overridden the CSS with: .dijitContentPaneLoading { background-image: url('../...

Value of dojox.CheckedMultiSelect not being posted with dojo.xhrPost

When I post a form using dojo.xhrPost, I get all the fields in my form POSTed except for the value of my dojox.CheckedMultiSelect, no matter what options are selected. The declaration of my CheckedMultiSelect: <div dojoType="dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore" jsId="processTypeList" url="json/processtypelist.json.php"></div> <label for="proce...

handling mouseover/mouseout events for dijit.TitlePane's titleNode

I have a lot of dijit.TitlePanes stacked up one after another. I wish to handle the onmouseover and onmouseout events for the tile part of the TitlePane. What is the correct way of doing this? Will something like : dojo.connect(titlePane.titleNode, 'onmouseover', function f() {}); work, where titlePane is a reference to some dijit.T...

dijit Form toJson returns empty object for dijit.form.DateTextBox

Running the following code: dojo.toJson(formSearch.attr("value")); Appears to not serialize the value of dijit.form.DateTextBox controls. Looking in Firebug, I can see that formSearch.attr("value")) returns the appropriate DOM object that contains the value that the control is set to, but when I try to serialize it, I get something l...

dijit.Dialog not showing up in some environments

Hi All Using dojo version 1.3. I have an annoying problem with a dijit Dialog. In my development environment it works fine, but in my test and production environments the Dialog is simply not showing up. The background is disabled/greyed-out but the Dialog cannot be seen? Other dijit stuff such as TooltipDialog works fine. Dojo/Diji...

How to set max-width of dijit.ToolTip?

I tried the following, but it didn't seem to work. var helpIcon = dojo.create("span", {"class":"help-icon", innerHTML:"[?]"}, td1); var tooltip = new dijit.Tooltip({ connectId: [helpIcon], label: "large paragraph of text here ... " }); tooltip._setStyleAttr("max-width: 100px"); Help! ...

getting a dojo node when I have the store item id

I have a dijit.Tree that's populated by a ItemFileReadStore using JSON. Because of our setup, I need to do a new request each time a tree node is clicked. The tree is using cookies to remember which folders were expanded and not, so that's not a problem. But I'm trying to set focus to the node that was clicked. I've managed to get the i...

Dojo lightbox Issue when called in a tab after loading

Hello, I have a Dijit Lightbox on a page, and its working perfect (well close enough.. the close button does not work in IE) Then I created a Dojo Tab, and it is also working perfect. Then I put the lightbox page, in the tab, and it also worked perfect. But then I made the lightbox tab content only load when clicked, and it showed my ...

Dojo DateTextBox initial value

Hello, I use a DateTextBox field to display data from database. My problem is that not all the data is in correct date format. I need to display these data even if they are not correct but actually initial values are erased. Is there a simple way to disable this ? I have a variable number of date in my page and it's difficult to overrid...

Dojo Lightbox Close Button

Hello, I have Dojo 1.4, and the lightbox is working. But the close button doesnt work with IE, I can see it, just not click it. With Firefox it workes all ok. So I assume the code and css are all ok. Any ideas? Greg ...

asp.net control (.ascx) with dijit?

i've tried to get an asp.net dropdownlist control to become a dijit combobox but it's not working. i've tried this: <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlUserID" dojoType="dijit.form.ComboBox" runat="server" DataTextField="FullNameAndUserName" CssClass="stdtext" DataValueField="UserID" AppendDataBoundItems="True" AutoPostBack="True" ...

Adding some persistence to dijit.TitlePane (open/close state)

I want to add very simple cookies based persistence with dijit.TitlePane. I want to make sure that the state of the title pane whether it was open or closed should be preserved in a cookie so that next time the page is loaded, the title pane starts with the remembered state. This is particularly useful in situations where I have lots of...

Are there ways to improve javascript (Dojo) loading?

I'm starting to use the Dojo toolkit and it has rich features like Dijits and themes which are useful but take forever to load. I've got a good internet connection but those with slower connections would experience rather slow page loads. This is also a question about heavy vs light frameworks. If you make heavy use of widgets, what ar...

dojo dijit client side validation onchange

So I followed the example in the Dojo - Using the Dojo JavaScript Library to Build Ajax Applications to add server-side validation to the username validationtextbox field on my form. Basically I added a usernameOnChange function that submitted an xhrGet request, the xhrGet returns JSON and is handled by the usernameValidationHandler. It...

dojo dialog in 1.4 execute function doesn't work

the following code will work when i include dojo version 1.3 and when i submit the dialog, it will call doCreateTest function. but when i upgrade dojo to version 1.4, and when i submit the dialog, it does not call doCreateTest function. Does the execute function change to another name? Thanks. ...