
onclick issues with dijit.Tooltip

I am facing following issue. I have attached tooltips with some tab titles of a dijit.TabContainer. The hover behavior is OK, but when I click on the tab, the tooltip stays visible unless I click somewhere else on the page. On googling I got following page discussing this issue. http://ahackersnotes.com/web/hide-dojo-tooltip-after-a-mo...

Displaying Large Text Files via Ajax/dojo

I want to display to a user a large text file (100MB Log Files specifically) via a web interface without requiring the user to have to download the entire file. Obviously returning the entire file to someones web browser would not be sensible, so my theory was to used Ajax to fetch portions of the file depending on the user scrolling th...

parse dojoAttachEvent in content returned from xhr in a custom widget?

Instead of the typical custom widget that mixes in _Templated for it's markup, I want a widget that just mixes in _Widget then does an xhrGet to fetch the markup. In addition, and this is the part that I need help with, I want dojo to parse the xhr result text for dojoAttachPoint and dojoAttachEvent in the context of the widget, hookup ...

Repositioning a dijit menu after loading menu items

I've created a dijit popup menu that gets the items in the menu using a JSON AJAX request the first time that it is opened. My problem is that after the menu items have been added, the menu often goes outside the viewport of the browser, since the position of the menu has already been calculated by dojo. The second time that I open the m...

dojo dijit createLink question

One question about Dojo Dijit's "createLink". Clicking on a created link doesn't actually pop up and show the link's URL page, but clicking a link shows the link properties dialog again and again. How do I make so that it show the link's URL on the page? http://docs.dojocampus.org/dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog?highlight=%28create...

Zend Framework with PHP, changing class labels

I am using Zend Framework with Dojo to make tab containers. I need for the dt tags to be createEventForm-waiverDetail-addElement-label instead of addElement-label. However I cannot figure it out. You can see them as the id in the following code snippet http://pastie.org/780362 I have looked and looked for this. I think it may be so...

djit.layout.Tabcontainer - click-based event is fired two times

Hi, I want to add listeners on selection event, but implementation via code below fired event two times. Only javascript core onClick event is fired correctly one time. dojo.connect(myTabCont, "onButtonClicked", function(tabList){ console.log(tablist); }); dojo.connect(myTabCont, "selectChild", function(tabList){ console.log(ta...

dijit.form.FilteringSelect with substring search

dijit.form.FilteringSelect is close to what I need. I've tried lots of ways to do what I want, but being a dijit beginner I never know if I'm even going in the right direction. When I start typing in a FilteringSelect, I only see the options starting with what I typed. Like a query on value + "*" What I need is to see any option that ha...

dojo dijit dialog underlay not showing

I'm trying to have three different dialogs on as hidden initially, then depending on the response from the ajax form submit, i wish to show different dialogs. When the form is submitted and waiting for the response, i can show the "in progress" dialog. Then if the server returns an error response, I want to hide the first dialog, then d...

Dojo: dijit.form.select won't fire "onClick" event the first time clicked

Hi, I've been through the Dojo docs as well as the API and tried Google but can't find a solution to my problem, I hope anybody here can help me out. I'm trying to create a dijit.form.select programmatically (using Dojo 1.4) and connect to the "onClick"-event of the widget. Here's a part of my code: var dataSelect = new dijit.form.Sel...

[dojox] dojox.image.lightbox into dijit.layout.tabcontainer

Hello everybody! I try to insert an image, witch could be open with dojox.image.lightbox into a TabContainer. The TabContainer works, but when I add my image: <a dojoType="dojox.image.LightBox" group="grouped" title="mytitle" href="pathToImage"><img src="pathToImage" height="180px" width="240px" /></a> The TabContainer doesn't work a...

single layer dojo build results in "undefined./resources/blank.gif" for dijit.Menu

It seems that dijit.Menu is dependent on dojo/resources/blank.gif which is found when we perform a dojo build and leave it in the release directory. We are building a single layer - our build profile is as follows: dependencies = { layers: [{ name: "dojo.js", dependencies: ["core.bootstrap.dojo_deps"] }], prefixes: [ ...

dijit tree and focus node

Hello, I cannot get focusNode() or expandNode() get working. I also tried switching back to dojo 1.32 and even 1.3, no difference to 1.4. And I debugged with firebug, the node is a valid tree node and no errors occur but the node wont get focused. Help is VERY appreciated! <head> <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.declare("itcTre...

set icon for dijit.MenuItem

We have a case where we only know the icon for a menu item at runtime. I know there is a iconClass parameter for a diji.MenuItem, but this is of little help unless we dynamically add CSS rules at runtime with dojox.html.insertCssRule - there must be a better way! Here is an example of what we are trying to do: pMenu = new dijit.Menu({ ...

How to add nodes to a dijit tree on the fly

Basically what I have is a tree with 3 nodes, created like so: for (var i=0; i<response.length; i++) { response[i]["type"] = "project"; } var data = { "identifier": "name", "label": "name", "items": response }; var store = new dojo.data.ItemFileRea...

dijit.form.select will close surrounding tooltip dialog in IE

Hi, I have encountered a strange behaviour using dijit.form.select inside a tooltip-dialog. Here's a shortened part of my code: <div id="toolbar" dojoType="dijit.Toolbar"> <div dojoType="dijit.form.DropDownButton"> <div dojoType="dijit.TooltipDialog" id="tooltip"> <input dojoType=dijit.form.TextBox type="text" id="textbox">...

Expanding all nodes in dijit.Tree

Is there a good way to expand/close all the expandable nodes in a dijit.Tree? For those looking for an answer, put this in your initializing code: var treeControl = new dijit.Tree({ model: treeModel, expandAll: function() { // summary: // Expand all nodes in the tree // returns: // Deferr...

How to write a creator for dnd enabled dijit tree

Hi, I have a digit tree that has dnd enabled via the dndController="dijit._tree.dndSource" option.Currently when drag is initiated the avatar content seems to be right aligned. The avatar is automatically picking the image and text content of item that is being dragged but I would like to have this information left aligned. I believe ...

Dojo filteringSelect query expression

Hi I'm using the dojo filtering select widget. I'm trying to customize the queryExpr. According to all forums/documentation, there are 4 types of expressions: - ${0} - find exact expression - ${0} - contains - ${0}* - starts with - *${0} - ends with I'm trying to accomplish an auto-completion where any word starts with the typed in...

What does dijit.registry.remove() do?

What does dijit.registry.remove() do? How does it handle invalid parameters? ...