
dojo/dijit and Printing

I want to be able to provide a button to my users to just print a particular portion of my dojo/dijit application. There seems to be a general lack of documentation and examples when it comes to printing. For example, I have a specific dijit.layout.ContentPane that contains the content that I would like to print, but I wouldn't want to...

dojo/dijit ContentPane setting content

I am trying append some XML retrieved via a dojo.XHRGet to a dijit.layout.ContentPane. Everything works ok in Firefox (3.6) but in Chrome, I only get back 'undefined' in the particular ContentPane. My code looks something like this: var cp = dijit.byId("mapDetailsPane"); cp.destroyDescendants(); // there are some existing Widgets/cont...

Determine if a dijit's DOM has finished loading

Is there a way to query a dojo dijit to tell if the dijit's DOM has finished loading? ...

How to give the menus associated with dojo's dijit.ComboBox different css from those of dijit.Menu

When you use a dijit.ComboBox, the type ahead suggestions get implemented as a dijit.Menu. I've got a design which calls for the matched portion of the suggestion rows to be normal, and the unmatched portion to be bold. The structure that dojo creates is like this: <ul class="dijitReset dijitMenu"> <li role="option" class="dijitReset d...

Change "cancel" text on dijit.Dialog close box?

Is there any possible way to change the "cancel" tool tip that pops up over the X box on a dijit.dialog? I just want it to read "close". I'm somewhat new to dojo. I expect this might be just a dumb question that has a really easy answer, but I am finding no examples. Thanks in advance. ...

Dojo Dijit Dialog relative position. is it possible?

Hello Friends, I want to position Dojo's Dijit Dialog relative to one of my html element. is it Possible? If yes. How? currently it always shows dialog in middle of viewport. Can any one help me regarding the matter? Thanks. amar4kintu ...

Ensuring dynamically added Dojo Dijits are registered in the DOM.

I need to dynamically create Dijits to add N rules to a particular form. Currently I am adding them with the following javascript. var value = new dijit.form.Select({ id: "value_" + counter, store: ValueStore, searchAttr: "description" }, "stateSelect" + counter); value.placeAt(form, "last"); value.startup(); This ...

Setting dijit.Tree cookie for all pages

I'm using the same dijit.Tree view over several pages in our application, and I'd like to have the cookie saved for the server name, instead of the folder name. Right now I've got 3 pages and 3 cookies, which each hold their own information on the state of the Tree, which is kinda annoying. Any ways to accomplish this? The only thing I'...

understanding logic of dijit css and styles

Hi, I am trying to use dijit.InlineEditBox. I have put the following code in my HTML, using the example in the dojo docs: <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.require("dijit.InlineEditBox"); dojo.require("dojo.parser"); dojo.require("dijit.form.TextBox"); function editableHeaderOnChange(id, arg){ alert("detail...

How to set overflow:hidden for dojo's dialog box

I'm using a dojo dijit dialog box to popup data for the lightbox effect. The problem is that dojo dynamically changes the style attributes of "containerNode", so that if the box is bigger than the browser window a scroll bar appears. It sets "overflow:auto" dynamically. I know this makes sense to do, but I want to override this and ...

Customize Dojo Menu

Hello, I have a dropdown menu made in dojo, and I would like to have a fixed width for the dropdown container. How could I do that? (sorry for my bad english) ...

how to set a new value for a dijit.InlineEditBox

Hi All, i have problems to set a returned value to a declarative dijit.InlineEditBox the most near to a final solution was function(field,val,pid) { switch (field) { case 1: cell_name = "off_"+pid; break; case 6: cell_name = "saleprice_"+pid; break; default: break; } cell...

I can't get onChange to fire for dijit.form.Select

I seem unable to correctly attach the onchange event to a dijit.form.Select widget. However, I am new to web development, so I could be doing something completely idiotic (although, as best I can tell (and I've read all the docs I could find) I'm not). I made sure the body class matches the dojo theme, that I dojo.require() for all the w...

Changing constraints on the fly

Hi, I have a dijit.form.NumberTextBox input field that starts out with these parms: new dijit.form.NumberTextBox({ id: din1, style: "width:60px", constraints: { places: 0, pattern: '######' } }, din1); Everything works great..My question is I would like to change 'places' and 'pattern' parms...

Display a tree dijit using zend framework

I am trying to display a tree of categories and subcategories by using dijits with zend framework. Haven't been able to find a good example. This is what I've got: Basically I got the following code as my action: class SubcategoriesController extends Zend_Controller_Action{ ..... public function loadtreeAction() { Zend_Dojo::enab...

Dijit.Dialog 1.4, setting size is limited to 600x400 no matter what size I set it.

I'm trying to set the size of a dijit.Dialog, but it seems limited to 600x400, no matter what size I set it. I've copied the code from dojocampus and the dialog appear, but when i set the size larger, it only shows 600x400. Using firebug and selecting items inside the dialog, I see that they are larger than the dialog, but don't show c...

dijit.form.FilteringSelectinitial initial value always null.

I'm using QueryReadStore as data and displaying the widget using the declarative way. My store looks like this: <div style="display:none" jsId="role_store" url="some/url/here" requestMethod="post" dojoType="dojox.data.QueryReadStore"></div> My widget is like this: <input dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect" id="role_id" ...

Filter Datagrid onLoad

My data grid successfully filters when I select a month from a dropdown list, however when I try to filter it onLoad it just doesn't filter. The dropdown successfully displays the current month, and the grid should also show the current month data. <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.require("dojox.grid.DataGrid"); doj...

Set different background colors on the FilteringSelect options

Hi, I've got a FilteringSelect dijit working on a PHP project but I want to set some of the options to havea blue background and some other a red background. Can anyone please advise on hot to do this. Thanks, Arturo ...

Applying a Dojo Toolkit (Dijit) theme to ASP.NET pages.

In the code below, I am trying to apply a Dijit theme to the controls in my .aspx page. However, the controls persist in their normal, unthemed appearance. Anybody know why? Master Page: <%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Main.master.cs" Inherits="WebJournalEntryClient.Main" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3...