
Why can't multiple programmatically generated FilteringSelect's share a single store?

Before you ask, a MultiSelect wouldn't really be intuitive for the user in this instance. I have an object, with an array as its value for 'items', that's provided on the page in a var statement. I also have a function that generates and places dijit.form.FilteringSelects and is triggered on a certain button's click event. Every one of ...

Adding a dijit.Editor after page load

Hey Experts, please help me out with a dijit.Editor doubt. I want to add a dijit.Editor dynamically to my Page using jQuery. my code is: jQuery(#foo).before("<textarea width='500px' name='page_text2[]' dojoType='dijit.Editor' ></textarea>"); The textarea gets created, but dijit.Editor does not show. It seems dojo only parses elements...

Dijit.Dialog - irregular behaviour of scroll bar making dialog box unusable

I use a dojo dialog box to display a page pulled from another part of the site. The page being pulled is long - so I use the css attribute: `max-height: 900px; overflow:auto; To make sure it displays properly. For a long page, it displays a 900px high dialog box with a scrollbar down the right hand side side. However the scrollbar i...

Alter top and bottom borders of Dojo/Dijit Dialog and ContentPane

I have a Dojo/Dijit Dialog that contains a FORM. There is a top border between the title bar and the content, and a bottom border below the content. Both are about 19 or 20 pixels high and colored #eeeeee. I can't find these borders in the CSS anywhere -- actually, neither can the IE Developer Toolbar -- they just don't seem to exist ...

My Dijit DateTimeCombo widget doesn't send selected value on form submission

i need to create a Dojo widget that lets users specify date & time. i found a sample implementation attached to an entry in the Dojo bug tracker. It looks nice and mostly works, but when i submit the form, the value sent by the client is not the user-selected value but the value sent from the server. What changes do i need to make to ...

Is there a jQuery widget equal to DOJO's TitlePane?

I like the visual behavior of the DOJO TitlePane widget, but it has too much other bunk for my purpose. http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/dijit/TitlePane.html#dijit-titlepane Is anyone aware of a jQuery widget that provides the same ability to expose and hide content in a stacked manner with the little flippy-arrow, pane highlight...

dojo 1.4: difference in dijit tree html rendering

Hi, I have written an application using dojo 1.3 in which i have used the dijit tree. I am loading the tree with json data specified in the store which is in turn used by the tree model. In the 1.3 version the tree elements pick up the id directly from the json data.However in 1.4 the tree elements have their own id which is something ...

Loading Dojo dijit CSS from CDN

I am quite new to dojo world. Using dojo with google's CDN is well and Fine. But while using dijit just dojo.require() does not work. Where can I find the default CSS Themes from CDN ?? and another question out of quorisity: Would the the CSS configuration for dijit work for dojox too ?? ...

dojo listbox control

Is there any list box or similer control in Dojo/dijit/dojox ?? ...

Dojo: Chrome and dijit.form.ValidationTextBox

Hi, I have a tabcontainer with 3 tabs and some inputs. Everything works good till i put dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox" in a input. after that the page looks like this in chrome and in firefox. http://www.narvenblog.com/tralha/dijit_bug_chrome.jpg what is happening with chrome????? thanks ...

TabContainer in BorderContainer not showing correctly

Hi, I am using a borderContainer with a fix width and centering in the center of my page (Use of a div around the bordercontainer). Everything works fine until i add a TabContainer. All of a sudden i can not see my Tab's anymore. This goes as wel for IE as FF. Is this a bug or something else? How could i work around this? I'm using the...

how to pass url in dialog box

how to pass any jsp url in dialogbox of dijit ...

Dojo extending dojo.dnd.Source, move not happening. Ideas?

NOTICE: THIS IS SOLVED, I WILL PUBLISH THE SOLUTION HERE ASAP. Hey all, Ok... I have a simple dojo page with the bare essentials. Three UL's with some LI's in them. The idea si to allow drag-n-drop among them but if any UL goes empty due to the last item being dragged out, I will put up a message to the user to gie them some instructio...

dijit.TitlePane with scroll ?

IS there any way to have scroll bar in a dijit.TitlePane ...

dijit hovering MenuItem issue

I have a dijit.layout.TabContainer on my form. I resize the browser window in such a way that all tabs won't fit in a single screen. In this case dijit automatically adds a drop-down button at the right end of the TabContainer (I get this for free). If I click on the drop-down button then I get the full List of Tab Names. Hovering over...

dijit Tree : finding treenode associated with new data store item

I want to highlight a programmatically inserted node. I'm inserting using store.newItem; this gives me a datastore item. To do the highlighting, I need a treenode. Can someone tell me how to find the treenode associated with the item? Thanks, Larry ...

dijit style claro not in Google CDN

dojo's Theme Tester is Showing theme claro as one available theme in http://archive.dojotoolkit.org/dojo-2010-04-12/dojotoolkit/dijit/themes/themeTester.html?theme=claro But claro is not accessible from Google CDN. I've also tried to use claro from the same place where the ThemeTester is pulling. But layout doesn't look the same. rather ...

Dijit Accordion , handle click events

Dear All, I've an Accordion widget, I need to call JS methods on click of the Accordion title as well as on click inside the content. Can someone please help me to do this? I've my code below. var aContainer = new dijit.layout.AccordionContainer({style: "float:left;width:175px;height:205px;",},"testAccordion"); //Below code is insid...

dojox.enhancedGrid get Selected Row

How can I get the Selected Row Object of dojox.enhancedGrid ? I am using selectionMode: 'single' e.g. with Radio Buttons. dijit.byId("gridViewWidget").selection.selectedIndex Returns the rowIndex. But how to get the rowObject of that Index ? I can get the rowNode()But What I need is value of the id column of that Row. Its possible to t...

applying css to dijit button

I have the following HTML and CSS: <button id="myBtn" dojoType="dijit.form.Button">Testing</button> #myBtn { margin-left: 100px; } The CSS is supposed to push the button in 100px. But since dijit applies some extra layers of HTML around the button, the button gets a 100px padding. JSbin to show the problem edit: Found one (not ...