
keep data-attributes in dijit widgets

I've started using the HTML5 data- attributes in my application, but when this is applied to an element that is a dijit widget, it disappears. <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" data-id="5">Number 5</button> Is dojo actually parsing this and keeping it somewhere? Or is it just removed completely because dojo isn't HTML5 compliant? ...

Dojo dialog, the iPad and the virtual keyboard issue

Recently, I have been working on a project where the interface should work for desktop and tablets (in particular the iPad). One issue I am coming across is with a Dojo dialog on the iPad when text entry is taking place. Basically here is what happens: Load Dojo interface with buttons on iPad - OK Press button (touch) to show dialo...

Dojo's dijit.Editor not editable in Adobe AIR application?

Maybe someone has some idea what I'm doing wrong here. I'm writing an AIR application and I'm trying to embed a dijit.Editor on my page - I've tried both with a simple: <div dojoType="dijit.Editor"></div> And doing it programmaticly: <div id="editor"></div> ... // in the onLoad function var editorwidget = new dijit.Editor({height:...

dijit.form.Combobox show label Instead of value

I've a dijit.form.Combobox field which uses a ItemFileReadStore to pull Its data. Teh ItemFileReadStore has two attribute per Item value which will be used for form submission , generally Unique Integers and label which is Human Understandable String. In ComboBox HTML I've done searchAttr="value" labelAttr="label" When the ComboBox Shows...

How do I dynamically add a Dijit widget to a Dojo form?

I'm trying to add a new FilteringSelect widget dynamically to a preexisting form I made out of declarative tags (on page load). prereqs = 0; function addAnotherPrerequisite(){ var newPreReqCursor = dijit.byId("Prerequisite"+(prereqs-1)).domNode; dojo.create("input",{ id:"prerequisite"+prereqs, jsId:"Prerequisi...

Determing whether dijit.dialog content has displayed

Does anyone know of a way to determine whether the content of a dijit.dialog has become visible to the user? As in if the content of the dialog has actually been displayed yet or not. Thanks ...

Dojo lightbox problem - overlay not stretching to bottom of screen

I've created a lightbox effect using Dojo. Specifically, I've created is as a dojox.widget.Dialog. The effects work/displays fine in every browser except for Safari on an iPhone (no issue with Safari on the Desktop). On the iPhone, the bottom edge of the lightbox won't expand to the bottom of the screen. I've tried to test this on a des...

Adding new node to Dijit.Tree at a particular place in the tree

Hi, I am running into a strange error while adding a new Tree node to dijit.Tree. var rawdata = [{ label: 'Date', id: '1', children: [{ label: 'Life', id: '1.1' }, { label: 'Liberty', id: '1.2' }] }, { ...

how to associate (bind) a dijit.Menu with specific nodes of a dijit.Tree

I have been able to bind a simple dijit.Menu with two MenuItems to the nodes of a dijit.Tree wtih Menu.bindDomNode(Tree.domNode), but I would like to refine what nodes get the context menu and am having trouble getting domNodes from Tree items to bind the menu to. I am hoping there is a much easier way of doing this? datStore = thi...

Dojo Select onChange event firing when changing value programatically

Hey, I have a dojo (dijit) select dropdown that calls a js function onChange. I was expecting this to only call the onChange function when the user changes the value in the dropdown, however, it even calls the onChange function when I programatically change the value of the dropdown from js code. How do I get it to only call the functio...

Dojo not fully starting with ZendFW

Hello, I have a very strange problem with dojo not loading properly in one action in one of the controllers in my application (it seems to work just fine in the other actions). I've been trying to sort it out, and it appears that in the action that its not working it fails to generate the following code that's present in all the other a...

Refresh layout of dijit.layout.ContentPane

I have a dojo TabContainer that has a BorderContainer child, with a left region and a center region ContentPanes. -TabContainer -BorderContainer -ContentPane (left) -dojox.layout.ContentPane (center) I have it setup so that the left ContentPane is collapsible (by replacing it with a slimmer ContentPane) which works...

isValid is not a function error when accessing dijit widget in template

I have a dijit validationtextbox widget: <input dojoAttachPoint="tbIPAddress" type="text" size="15" class="ipaddress" dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox" required="true" regExp="^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$" promptMessage="Enter IP Addres...

Strip HTML style attributes in dijit.Editor (onPaste)

Is there anyway to make the dijit.Editor strip HTML style="" attributes from pasted content? If I copy text from another site, it copies it's font-size, color, etc and puts it into span tags. I would prefer to only strip styles when pasting. I already have a tried-and-tested regex to replace the content, but I don't know how to hook i...

Overriding default key functionality dijit containers

So I'm having some trouble overriding some dijit default functionality. By default, the arrow keys will traverse through the container if possible (if there's more than one). It does this for dijit.layout.TabContainer, dijit.layout.AccordianContainer, etc. Now from what I see all key events are published by dijit.layout.StackContainer ...

dijit.Dialog not redisplaying in IE7 and IE8

Using Dojo verions 1.3.2. The following code is working fine in FF and Chrome, but works sporadically in IE7/8. I'm grabing a Dialog that already being displayed and just wanting to change its contents. The oDialogContents is always exactly the same, working or not. What ends up happening is the Dialog disappears but the underlay stays...

Dojo Dialog boxes clearing dijit filteringselect / comboboxes

Hi I'm having a small issue with a form that uses dojo for validation and other UI tasks such as auto complete etc. The form is dynamic so that elements can be added by the user by calling a sub form within a dojo dialog box. This adds other elements to the form quite nicely however, all filtering selects or comobo boxes have their val...

Dynamically adding dijit on button click programatically...how?

Hi, I've got a problem with another dojo enabled form that I am working on. A user can enter details onto the page by entering the data using a dialog box, which in turn updates the database and then displays the user data entered on to the form. Each element added consist of 2 x Validation Text boxes 1 x FilteringSelect. When it's ...

How to programatically build a window widget with tabs?

I'm very new to Dojo, so please don't beat me up. What I want to do is create a window like Child layout test: <div dojotype="dojox.layout.FloatingPane" title="Child layout test" style="width:400px; height:300px;" resizable="true"> <div dojotype="dijit.layout.TabContainer"> <div dojotype="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Ta...

need to get 2 filteringselect itemfilereadstore to load without using onChange

Greetings, I have 2 filteringSelects. I would like to default the 1st one to a value and have the 2nd filteringSelect use values from the selectedItem in the 1st select. My 1st filteringselect (SeasonSelect) loads fine and is set to the default as I would like. However, the second filtering select (SeqNoSelect) is not getting the va...