
XtraCharts Panes - Control Axis labels in code.

I am adding series and panes to a Developer's Express Chart Control in code on a windows form application. I would like to only show the x-axis labels for the first pane. The showInPanes property is telling me it is read only. How do I set this propert in code? ...

How to find which webpart has the property pane open for edit in wss 3.0?

I have multiple webparts present on a page. When the web part is modified, it opens a 'Property Pane'. How do I identify which web part open the property pane programmatically? ...

How to close dynamically created CDockablePane windows?

In my MFC (Feature Pack) application one can dynamically create docking panes to display charts/tables etc. However, I don't want to let the user open the same thing twice. I create a pane like this: // Create CMyDockablePane pPane pPane->Create(...); pPane->EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // Create CRect rcPane pPane->FloatPane(rcPane)...

How can I close an empty pane in Eclipse

I often end up with lots of empty panes in Eclipse that can only be minimized but not destroyed. How do I close these? Update: In this screenshot you can see two minimized on the upper left and several on the right hand side. In the center are four more. They only seem to be restorable in the Debug mode.

'accept_position' signal not getting called in Ruby/Gtk2

I'm creating a application with panes in Ruby/Gtk. When the panes are resized, I need to do some stuff. But I cannot figure out which signal to use. I think it is 'accept_position' - but it don't seem to work. This is a sample app that illustrates my problem... #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'gtk2' window =

Custom preview for open dialog using Delphi

I need to preview several CAD formats in the file open dialog box in Windows 7 / Vista. In the past I used a Delphi Preview Open Dialog and I could register and implement the CAD format that I had to preview. I have found some articles on how to create a preview handler in Vista, this is unfortunately not going to work for me. What I wou...

Refresh layout of dijit.layout.ContentPane

I have a dojo TabContainer that has a BorderContainer child, with a left region and a center region ContentPanes. -TabContainer -BorderContainer -ContentPane (left) -dojox.layout.ContentPane (center) I have it setup so that the left ContentPane is collapsible (by replacing it with a slimmer ContentPane) which works...

IB: Where is the Bindings Pane

Hello, Cocoa newbie here... I know this sounds stupid but I can't find the Bindings Pane in Interface Builder. I have the latest xCode( 3.2.3 ) but tried with other versions too, still the same. The Tools menu does not list it and Cmd-4 opens up the Identity inspector. Screenshot What could be the cause? Thanks ...