
C++ bindings for MySQL

I'm running OSX(10.4.11) & I'm trying to get a decent C(preferably C++) binding for MySQL figured out. I have some data in an offsite database I want to analyze. I'm trying to get MySQL++ working, but it's being funky. I'm looking for other bindings, preferably ones with a no-headache install. edit: MySQL has C bindings. Clunky and ...

BizTalk MSMQ userid and password in a bindings file

I'm setting up a solution to deploy, driven by a batch file so it's reproducible - I've got a binding file that works but I've now added on my MSMQ adapters - works on my local machine, but I've found I have to add a userid and password to get it to work on the actual server - it's in the domain, my virtual dev machine is just workgr...

Java connection to / between Microsoft Windows Office Suite?

I read elsewhere (a response by "hazzen" here) that .NET has "a binding for the entire Office suite outlined here that allows you to write COM-based methods that you can call from Office. It is intended for automation, but you can write any managed code you want and have Excel call into it." I'm interested in the same thing for Java. My...

How do I prevent selectedValue altering when calling tableAdapter's Fill() method?

I have bound my ListBox to some data. The problem is when I call myTableAdapter.Fill(..) method, SelectedValue changes to whatever is the first item ID in the list. Although "Selected Value" in VS is not bound anywhere (see image). How do I prevent this behaviour, please? Thank you very much for helping. ...

JibX: how to map a class and avoid it being outputed as XML node

I am using JibX as a Java Object to XML Binding tool. With it, I want to have the following output: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <FEAPService> <Request> <Function>aaa</Function> <SubFunction>bbb</SubFunction> <Operation>ccc</Operation> </Request> </FEAPService> But I'm getting this: <?xml version="1....

jgoodies bindings + coalescing frequent changes

I have a java app that updates data at a variable rate (received from a fairly high-speed data stream out of my control, but up to 120Kbytes/sec), and I would like to display statistics like the # of bytes/packets received, using a dialog box. I'm looking into JGoodies bindings and got something preliminarily working with artificial dat...

Problem with Binding Close Command to Button in a Tabcontrol datatemplate

Im Using Composite Aplication Guidiance Pattern for building my WPF application. In my Shell i have a tabcontrol wich contains a region for dynamicly load Views into the region. The views is loaded into new tabs in the TabControl. <TabControl AutomationProperties.AutomationId="MainTabControl" cal:RegionManager.Region...

Web Services Dynamic Invoker, howto??

Hi, i've been playing around with Attributes over web services, and i've seen that The SoapHttpClientProtocol class need to define a WebServiceBinding Attribute. Watching this question there seems one cannot modify the attributes on runtime, how can I achieve a dynamic web service invocation changing this attribute on runtime? is it pos...

Bind dataprovider DataGrid to an Array

How do you bind the dataprovider of a DataGrid in Flex to an Array? This doesn't seem to work: <mx:DataGrid id="valuesDataGrid" editable="true" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{_metaDataKey.values}"> ... [Bindable] public class EnumMetaDataKey{ private var _values:Array = []; public function get values():Array { ret...

A function expects a C++ object of abstract type A. How do I pass it a Lua object of an A subclass?

I'd like to pass to a function expecting a C++ object of a pure virtual class a Lua object of a class that derives from the pure virtual C++ class. How can I do this? I'm new to lua and luabind so bear with me. In C++: struct A { virtual void foo() = 0; }; void do_something(A* a) { a->foo(); } In Lua: class 'MyA' (A) .... func...

What C-integration problems arise with stackless VM implementations?

By stackless VM I mean implementation which maintains its own stack on the heap instead of using system "C-stack". This has a lot of advantages like continuations and serializable state, but also has some disadvantages when it comes to C-bindings, especially to C-VM-C kind of callbacks (or VM-C-VM). The question is what exactly these di...

How to get an ItemsSource to refresh its bind?

I've got a view which shows a listbox that is bound to GetAll(): <DockPanel> <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding GetAll}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource allCustomersDataTemplate}" Style="{StaticResource allCustomersListBox}"> </ListBox> </DockPanel> GetAll() is an ObservableCollection property in my ViewMod...

Unable to bind HJKL to DLTH in Screen's C-A Esc -mode

I want my Zsh to be Dvorak friendly in Screen. I am trying to make the following bindings in Zsh such that I can use them in Ctl-a Esc mode in moving h => d j => l k => t l => n I have not yet found any ways to do that. How can you make the following keybindings in Screen, such that I can use them in the mode C-A Esc? ...

WCF Error: Stream Security is required at, but no security context was negotiated.

We have a windows service that we are trying to use as WCF host for a WPF application. It works fine in development but when we have tried to move to our production environment we have had nothing but problems. From reading posts from others, we figured out how to turn on WCF logging and this was a big help. It turned out that our sec...

How do you make a language binding?

Although I do more or less understand what a language binding is, I am struggling to understand how they work. Could anyone explain how do you make a Java binding for WinAPI, for example? ...

Understanding MQ Series bindings files

Our Java app writes to MQ Series queues via a Weblogic JMS Message Bridge. The actual MQ Series connection/queue details are stored in the MQ Series .bindings file on the app server. I've never really got my head around the bindings file and what all the entries mean. Can anyone provide guidance to understand this file? ...

WCF Http Bindings, Require SSL

I have the following binding I'm using with my wsHttpBinding webservice. <binding name="wsHttpConfig"> <security> <transport clientCredentialType="None"/> </security> </binding> The issue is that it allows for the client to connect using either Http or Https. I would like to require them to use SSL. I tried adding the followin...

Cocoa: Binding to an array of NSStrings which are stored in the application's preferences

OK, I'm feeling really REALLY stupid for asking this question, but I've managed to stump myself so hard that I doubt I have the proper detachment to figure out the answer for myself any more. My apologies in advance... I have been playing around with bindings for a while now and LOVE them. That and the KVO/KVC conventions built into O...

Setting the Hostname in IIS Bindings Breaks Website

I just got a Windows Server 2008 VPS and I'm having trouble getting IIS7 setup. I created a new website in IIS with the path, ip address, and hostname (like '') and click OK. When I browse to the site it pulls up "" in the browser and... nothing... IE cannot display this webpage. If I blank o...

WPF -- Event Threading, GUI updating question

I'm trying to send two events to the main window so that I can show some kind of animation that will let the user know that I'm updating the data. This is an ObservableCollection object so the OnPropertyChanged is immediately picked up by the bindings on the main window. The sleep is only in there so that the user can see the animation...