
Dojo forms and Iphone Safari zoom Issues

Hi, I have a dojo charting application that looks fine when viewed in the IPhone at 100% page view..But, when a form is popped open and it centers on the screen, if you try to zoom into the form because it's small @ 100%, the form centers again so only a portion is viewable. Any scrolling or page movements on the IPhone screen causes t...

How to get value from radio buttons on form submit

I have two radio buttons: <input dojoAttachPoint="sensorSwipe" id="sensorSwipe" type="radio" dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton" name="Sensor" checked /> <input dojoAttachPoint="sensorContinuous" id="sensorContinuous" type="radio" dojoType="dijit.form.Radi...

How to make dojo textbox cache the previously entered values

Hi there, How can I make dojo textbox dijit to remember previously entered values, like a regular text box ( David ...

Dojo Select widget not selectively querying contents from datastore

I have been trying to use the query functionality of the ItemFileReadStore to filter the list of a select widget's selectable options and it seems that my queries are having no effect on the widget. The query is being done through the onChange event of another select widget, my objective is that when one widget selects a value the other ...

Dijit/Dojo Inline - Filtering Select - DataStore

I am using an inline filteringselect with datastore, as follows: I am using ABBR as the identifier and NAME as the value. The filtering selects and works correctly, but I have two issues. Firstly, how do I retrieve the ABBR for the selected option NAME? I have tried various things, including .innerHTML but that only retrieves the...