I have two radio buttons:
<input dojoAttachPoint="sensorSwipe" id="sensorSwipe" type="radio"
dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton" name="Sensor" checked />
<input dojoAttachPoint="sensorContinuous" id="sensorContinuous" type="radio"
dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton" name="Sensor" />
...that I'm submitting in a form using an dojo xhrpost call:
url: baseUrl + path,
form: form,
timeout: 60000,
load: function(result) { PostSuccess(result, path, callbackFunction); },
error: function(error, args) { AjaxError(error, args, path, request, callbackFunction); }
The issue is that when submitting the form, it sends a "Sensor" property with a value of "on", regardless of which of the two radio buttons is selected. How can I tell which radio button was selected?