




hi guys, i am designing a website with graphics. i have a picture with lots of graphics and i have used 'usemap' to link each graphic portion to another link on the website. I do not want to modify this image, but on this image, there is the company's logo as part of the big jpg image. I want to put a flash file on top of this image, so that it would be a flash file and not just a jpg image. how can i do this?


Depending on your site markup, the simplest way is likely to use CSS positioning such as absolute or fixed to move the flash element to the exact location you want.

Here's a decent resource for CSS Positioning

on the site, i have just used <img src="images/blah.jpg" class="flashlogo"/> and in the css i have used#flashlogo{position:absolute;left:100px;top:150px;background-image: url(images/flash.swf); background-repeat: repeat-x;}but the flash.swf is not accepted in background-image, so how i add the flash file onto the image?
Scorpion King
Yes you can't use flash as a background, you need to embed it using normal means.
<object classid="flashlogo"> <embed src="images/transMan.swf"></embed></object>the flashlogo in css has float:right and some margin specifications, but i am getting the flash beneath the image, and not on top and also on the rightIs this a correct method to do it. I am trying to embed the flash on top of the image at some specific location.
Scorpion King