




What is the concept of erasure in generics in java?

+31  A: 

It's basically the way that generics are implemented in Java via compiler trickery. The compiled generic code actually just uses java.lang.Object wherever you talk about T (or some other type parameter) - and there's some metadata to tell the compiler that it really is a generic type.

When you compile some code against a generic type or method, the compiler works out what you really mean (i.e. what the type argument for T is) and verifies at compile time that you're doing the right thing, but the emitted code again just talks in terms of java.lang.Object - the compiler generates extra casts where necessary. At execution time, a List<String> and a List<Date> are exactly the same; the extra type information has been erased by the compiler.

Compare this with, say, C#, where the information is retained at execution time, allowing code to contain expressions such as typeof(T) which is the equivalent to T.class - except that the latter is invalid. (There are further differences between .NET generics and Java generics, mind you.) Type erasure is the source of many of the "odd" warning/error messages when dealing with Java generics.

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Jon Skeet
Just curious why you did not mention Angelika Langer's FAQ. Are there some gotchas there one needs to be aware of?
Hemal Pandya
I wasn't aware of it, that's all. Basically I did a Google search and filtered it a bit. Will take a look and add it to the list.
Jon Skeet
This answer is factually incorrect: for example, if I have a class with two fields of types List<String> and List<Date>, then at execution time they will have different generic types. For details, see http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/reflect/ParameterizedType.html
@Rogerio: No, the *objects* won't have different generic types. The *fields* know the types, but the objects don't.
Jon Skeet
Yes, but you didn't quite specify that. A statement like "At execution time, a List<String> and a List<Date> are exactly the same" can easily be interpreted to be more general than it actually is. Why did you never mention that much type info IS actually available at runtime? Seems biased against Java to me...
@Rogerio: The statement seems pretty unambiguous to me. A `List<String>` is an object, and it *is* the same as a `List<Date>`. If I'd meant a `List<String>` *field* I'd have said so. I program extensively in both Java and C#, and type erasure *is* a significant pain. You seem to be the one trying to imply that it's never an issue.
Jon Skeet
Of course it is an issue in certain situations. You seem to imply, though, that it's always or almost always an issue; my experience says otherwise. BTW, can you actually give a concrete and realistic example of a generics-related problem which can be solved at runtime in C# but not in Java? (I am sure such problems exist, but I admit I am not familiar with them...)
@Rogerio: Absolutely - it's extremely easy to find out at execution time whether something which is only provided as `Object` (in a weakly typed scenario) is actually a `List<String>`) for example. In Java that's just not feasible - you can find out that it's an `ArrayList`, but not what the original generic type was. This sort of thing can come up in serialization/deserialization situations, for example. Another example is where a container has to be able to construct instances of its generic type - you have to pass that type in separately in Java (as `Class<T>`).
Jon Skeet
I never claimed it was always or almost always an issue - but it's at least *reasonably* frequently an issue in my experience. There are various places where I'm forced to add a `Class<T>` parameter to a constructor (or generic method) simply because Java doesn't retain that information. Look at `EnumSet.allOf` for example - the generic type argument to the method should be enough; why do I need to specify a "normal" argument as well? Answer: type erasure. This sort of thing pollutes an API. Out of interest, have you used .NET generics much? (continued)
Jon Skeet
Before I used .NET generics, I found Java generics awkward in various ways (and wildcarding is still a headache, although the "caller-specified" form of variance definitely has advantages) - but it was only after I'd used .NET generics for a while that I saw how many patterns became awkward or impossible with Java generics. It's the Blub paradox again. I'm not saying that .NET generics doesn't have downsides either, btw - there are various type relationships which can't be expressed, unfortunately - but I far prefer it to Java generics.
Jon Skeet
True, the actual "E" in `List<E>` is not discoverable at runtime from an instance alone. Java serialization provides full control over the process, though (the readObject/writeObject methods).But yes, I can see that `EnumSet<MyEnum>.allOf()` is better than `EnumSet.allOf(MyEnum.class)`.I only used .NET 1.1, back in 2002 (before generics were added in C# 2.0).Java generics is awkward at times, no doubt. Maybe it will be improved still, in Java 7 or 8 (if those actually get released); after all, even C# 4.0 introduces improvements for generics.
My main point in this whole discussion is that there is A LOT a Java developer can do with generic type information at runtime, through the Reflection API. For a "real-world" example, see this answer I posted some time ago: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1170708/is-it-possible-to-create-a-mock-object-that-implements-multiple-interfaces-with-e/1185128#1185128.So, Java generics may have limitations, but it's far from just "syntactic sugar", as some people (not you, Jon) think.
@Rogerio: There's a lot you *can* do with reflection - but I don't tend to find I *want* to do those things nearly as often as the things that I *can't* do with Java generics. I don't want to find out the type argument for a field *nearly* as often as I want to find out the type argument of an actual object.
Jon Skeet
I don't know... "to find out the type argument of an actual object" sounds like you may be favoring conditional logic over polymorphism.Wouldn't it be similar to using the `instanceof` operator, a known bad practice (not to say it doesn't have its place)?
@Rogerio: If overused, it would clearly be a bad thing - but as you say, these things have their place... which means it's useful for them to actually be *possible*. However, I didn't actually say I was using conditional logic - things like creating a new instance of the type argument aren't conditional, but they do rely on the type argument being known at execution time.
Jon Skeet
+2  A: 

As I understand it (being a .net guy) the jvm has no concept of generics so the compiler replaces type parameters with Object and performs all the casting for you.

This means that java generics are nothing but syntax sugar and don't offer any performance improvement for value types that require boxing/unboxing when passed by reference.

Andrew Kennan
Java generics can't represent value types anyway - there's no such thing as a List<int>. However, there's no pass-by-reference in Java at all - it's strictly pass by value (where that value may be a reference.)
Jon Skeet
OK :] Thanks for correcting me.
Andrew Kennan
+7  A: 

To complete the already very complete Jon Skeet's answer, you have to realize the concept of type erasure derives from a need of compatibility with previous versions of java.

From this presentation:

  • Source compatibility (Nice to have...)
  • Binary compatibility (Must have!)
  • Migration compatibility
    • Existing programs must continue to work
    • Existing libraries must be able to use generic types
    • Must have!


new ArrayList<String>() => new ArrayList()

There are propositions for a greater reification. Reify being "Regard an abstract concept as real", where Language constructs should be concepts, not just syntactic sugar.

I should also mention the checkCollection method of Java6, which returns a dynamically typesafe view of the specified collection. Any attempt to insert an element of the wrong type will result in an immediate ClassCastException.

The generics mechanism in the language provides compile-time (static) type checking, but it is possible to defeat this mechanism with unchecked casts.

Usually this is not a problem, as the compiler issues warnings on all such unchecked operations.

There are, however, times when static type checking alone is not sufficient, like:

  • when a collection is passed to a third-party library and it is imperative that the library code not corrupt the collection by inserting an element of the wrong type.
  • a program fails with a ClassCastException, indicating that an incorrectly typed element was put into a parameterized collection. Unfortunately, the exception can occur at any time after the erroneous element is inserted, so it typically provides little or no information as to the real source of the problem.
i love how this implies Jon Skeet is complete, and not his answer =P. might have been intentional?
Note that backwards compatibility could have been achieved without type erasure, but not without Java programmers learning a new set of collections. That's exactly the route that .NET went. In other words, it's this third bullet which is the important one. (Continued.)
Jon Skeet
Personally I think this was a myopic mistake - it gave a short term advantage and a long term disadvantage.
Jon Skeet
@Claudiu: I must have read Jon Skeet facts one time too many ;) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/305223/jon-skeet-facts
+4  A: 

Complementing the already-complemented Jon Skeet answer...

It has been mentioned that implementing generics through erasure leads to some annoying limitations (e.g. no new T[42]). It has also been mentioned that the primary reason for doing things this way was backwards compatibility in the bytecode. This is also (mostly) true. The bytecode generated -target 1.5 is somewhat different from just de-sugared casting -target 1.4. Technically, it's even possible (through immense trickery) to gain access to generic type instantiations at runtime, proving that there really is something in the bytecode.

The more interesting point (which has not been raised) is that implementing generics using erasure offers quite a bit more flexibility in what the high-level type system can accomplish. A good example of this would be Scala's JVM implementation vs CLR. On the JVM, it is possible to implement higher-kinds directly due to the fact that the JVM itself imposes no restrictions on generic types (since these "types" are effectively absent). This contrasts with the CLR, which has runtime knowledge of parameter instantiations. Because of this, the CLR itself must have some concept of how generics should be used, nullifying attempts to extend the system with unanticipated rules. As a result, Scala's higher-kinds on the CLR are implemented using a weird form of erasure emulated within the compiler itself, making them not-entirely-compatible with plain-old .NET generics.

Erasure may be inconvenient when you want to do naughty things at runtime, but it does offer the most flexibility to the compiler writers. I'm guessing that's part of why it's not going away any time soon.

Daniel Spiewak
The inconvenience isn't when you want to do "naughty" things at execution time. It's when you want to do perfectly reasonable things at execution time. In fact, type erasure allows you to do far naughtier things - such as casting a List<String> to List and then to List<Date> with only warnings.
Jon Skeet
+3  A: 

Just as a side-note, it is an interesting exercise to actually see what the compiler is doing when it performs erasure -- makes the whole concept a little easier to grasp. There is a special flag you can pass the compiler to output java files that have had the generics erased and casts inserted. An example:

javac -XD-printflat -d output_dir SomeFile.java

The -printflat is the flag that gets handed off to the compiler that generates the files. (The -XD part is what tells javac to hand it to the executable jar that actually does the compiling rather than just javac, but I digress...) The -d output_dir is necessary because the compiler needs some place to put the new .java files.

This, of course, does more than just erasure; all of the automatic stuff the compiler does gets done here. For example, default constructors are also inserted, the new foreach-style for loops are expanded to regular for loops, etc. It is nice to see the little things that are happening automagically.
