




While looking over the doc's for urldecode() I came across this note:

The superglobals $_GET and $_REQUEST are already decoded. Using urldecode() on an element in $_GET or $_REQUEST could have unexpected and dangerous results.

This is the reason why a get variable with the value of %26 ends up being &. Are there any other auto-magical decode routines other than urldecode()? Perhaps decoding that is only done because of configuration or negotiation?

+1  A: 

While no longer really an issue in the later builds of PHP, GET POST & COOKIES used to have quotes automatically escaped... See here for more info: http://php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.php

Mike Sherov
+1  A: 

GET parameter decoding works actually in this sequence:

  • explode("&", $QUERY_STRING)
  • strtok("=") to split names from value
  • urldecode() on name and value
  • strtr(".", "_", $name) - non-alphanumeric characters mostly stripped from var names (a GET parameter &x.y= becomes $_GET["x_y"])
  • expanding of [] array names
  • addslashes() on values if magic quotes were enabled - this is the only part that's configurable

When decoding POST parameters in multipart/form-data a charset= could be set individually for each field. But I have a hunch that PHP doesn't respect that.

That is all. AFAIK

+1 very good. Do you have any references? The php c++ file that performs these actions would be awesome.