




I have a solution that is using the integration steps found on the ANTLR site to generate cs files from an ANTLR Grammar. Everything works as expected when running in Dev Studio, however, when building in MSBuild, the dependent projects are failing because MSBuild is treating the generated files as project references (i.e. assemblies). I've traced the Microsoft.common.targets file to the ResolveAssemblyReferences task, but then it falls apart.

Using the example given on the ANTLR site, when building a dependent project, the ResolveAssemblyReferences tasks references the generated files as if they were assemblies. Using the example exactly, I was getting reference not found issues as it was looking in the local project directory. If I used $(ProjectDir)BigCalcLexer.cs in the Antlr3 node to generate a full path, the file would be found but would fail as 'corrupted' since it isn't actually an assembly.

Does anyone know how the custom task output is getting the generated files into the project references list?